Hi I am just new in the trading, I just want to ask how to overcome my fear in trading and what should I do to start trading. I also want to trade with a short term cause I need to earn daily for my daily needs can someone help me and give some that I used to start my trading now.
Learn as much as you can and start by practicing but by bit until you are sure you are good enough to go on. A lot of people rush in trading their whole funds because they want to get rich overnight, but trading is not something you just dabble in all of a sudden because you will just dabble out the same way you came in.
Start with very little or no capital, and by no capital, there are some platforms you can get fake funds to trade your strategy and make sure you are good enough to go before even starting with real money. When we are not fear about nothing to lose then we can stay with trading confidently which may lead to overcome any kind of fear very easily. Low capital must be the key here as when losses will be low then fear factor also will be low.
Starting trading could be done in multiple ways in some sense, yes most people start trading and then start learning. Even it is not the recommended way of starting trading, they do argue like real time learning is much better than anything.