I wonder if everyone would make such an effort to reach out if we didn't perceive Veronica to be a female. It's very big hearted of everyone to look out for the newbie, but I see this kind of sad tale on a pretty regular basis in the world of bitcoin and the typical response is, "well, dude, you shouldn't have invested more than you were willing to lose." But in those cases, they didn't have feminine names or give a sob story about wanting to stay home with their daughter.
Just saying guys, you could be getting manipulated here by your natural sense of chivalry.
For me at least, little to do with the fact that she's a woman, but a lot to do with the fact that she seems to take care of a child. Makes some sense, no?
I'm willing to bet she's more than a little ashamed, and probably upset by some of the words and ideas thrown at her. If she were to reply, someone would probably accuse her of being a panhandler or a fraud. The only way to verify the latter is not the case would be to ask for personal information. Do you expect her to give that out, especially considering the treatment here? I'd be rather paranoid myself.
I thought of that, that's why I asked her to PM me, so it's at least not going to happen "on stage". But, yes, if she contacts me, I will ask for some personal information to at least make sure the story checks out by and large. I understand that's not ideal, but necessary I believe.
I want to help her out because she sounded seriously distraught, but I'm not allowing myself to be taken advantage of either. In fact, one could argue that preventing the latter is what enables the former.
Noble, but I don't know what kind of proof you could ask for that cannot be manipulated. Even if she showed up at your front door, there's no way to prove her story. It requires some amount of trust in her. Alternatively, you could poll everyone here to get distributed consensus on her validity. ;)
You're not a 4chan (or, more benign, randomactsofpizza) regular, are you :D A picture of her and her daughter in their living room. For all I care, with her faces blurred out. For all I care, sent to the board mod, not myself. That's all. I'm not mortally afraid to be taken advantage of, I just don't want to be the
easiest kind of target.