and i made as much or more (same amount usd roughly)
i had to find 2 pennies to make 3 and so on..
try doing that.. what i did was hard.
taking 47 BTC to start with and walking away with a 7 BTC loss is not good.
i walked in with nothing and walked out with the same amount
i took me forever to get 1 LTC
i guarantee i learned more than he did LOL
I bet anything you started with a seed fund.. i did not.
I started by using a Core2Duo E7500 CPU to mine for i gazillionth of an LTC coin.
I did not walk to my bank and withdraw a crap load of money then go trade and brag about riches..
The two are so different they are not even comparable.
One takes skill and the other takes a bit of luck (gambling)