what most people don't understand is that when you make a profit, someone out there is losing money.
i don't think that is always true. take you and me as an example.
1. Early 2016 I join the exchange and buy 1 BTC at $250
2. You buy 1 BTC in the November time range at $600, the price is important, may have been more like October
3. Now comes the 1000/900/800/900 week we just saw.
4. I can sell at any of those numbers and make a huge profit, no one got hurt. You can sell at any of them and you profit, no one gets hurt.
Either one of us could have missed the $1000 price and kicked ourselves a day later selling at $800, but we both still made money. Yes, somewhere tow people traded at $1000 or higher to get that price up there, most likely many people, but that does not mean that anyone lost money. In fact, any time that the price hits a "record high", in that moment every single Bitcoin holder can sell and make a profit. It would dump the price, but you get my point.