more info!
They are some of the eight merged mined coins that are all mined at once using the same hashing power and thus are all able to have high hashing power without detracting from each others' hashing power.
The eight coins are BiTCoin, NaMeCoin, GRouPcoin, DeVCoin, I0Coin, IXCoin, CoiLedCoin and GestGeld (XGG).
One or two other coins recently apparently inted to enable such merged mining but evidently did not do it right, for example that game-in-a-blockchain whatever it was called claimed it could be merged mined but tests failed to find any blocks of it when merging it. So as far as I know there are so far only these eight coins that actually work.
Of them, all except CoiLedCoin and GeistGeld are already mined by at least one fairly well known public pool so already have somehwat high hashrates and a bunch of miners who are raking them in and possibly, not realising their value, dumping them; of those only GRouPcoin is not as far as I know on any well known exchange thus is probably hard to dump for most who are mining it.
Only two, CoiLedCoin and GeistGeld, remain "under the radar", nice low difficulty thus still easy to mine, and of course at any moment they could get picked up by one or more large merged mining pools so how long they will stay nice and esy to mine is unknown. Even when they do get picked up by pols though they might still remain somewhat low profile like GRouPcoin currently is, until they get listed on some well known exchange.
Despite I0Coin and IXCoin already being on known public pools and already on exchanges though they both are still rather nice prospects because they are so insanely low in price. I0Coin for example people were buying to 3500 satishis not so long ago but now it has been weeks since any of my sell offers at 3500 satishis and up have been touched, and similarly all my IXCoin sell offers have not been touched for weeks. Yet all those offers anre only of coins I picked up cheaper on the same exchange, I would not sell any of my real hoards so cheap, I am offering at such cheap prices only to provide liquidity, offering for sale coins I picked up at even more insanely cheap prices as the gap between buy side and sell side tends to be vast.