Also, falls jemand interessiert ist, ich hab über Windows 10, mit Docker und HyperV das Testnet am laufen und hab gemined
BCnode miner Docker Installation Guide!falls wer Interesse hat, bzw Probleme damit, kann ich gerne eine kleine Anleitung hier reinstellen!
danke für den link und ja anleitungen sind immer willkommen
am besten direkt hier damit alles ordentlich strukturiert bleibt problem mit der allocation hat sich wohl gelöst. ich bin erst heute wieder beim pc aber einer der admins (hatten per telegram kontakt) hat sich darum gekümmert.
was genau gemacht wurde weiß ich noch nicht. entweder die daten wurden korrigiert oder er hat den fehlenden betrag für mich transferiert bevor am samstag abend endgültig alles eingefroren wurde... aber dann bekomme ich sicher bald bescheid mit der bitte ihm das bisschen eth zu schicken
//edit: aktuelles mail. morgen gibt es wieder action
Block Collider is the most oversubscribed ICO ever held to date. With this knowledge we imagine the only thing stronger than the immense demand is hundreds of experts--even thousands--to know and truly understand the technology before it reaches the public. To do this we created Block Collider Evangelist Events; three competitions where users answer questions to compete for the right to purchase one of 66 allocations or 0.32% each event and claim the right to be a Block Collider Evangelist--1800 people are signed up to compete in Event 2.
As momentum builds for Block Collider consider the bigger picture that maybe the press/the blogs/the media got this "crypto" space all wrong. In what industry do hundreds of people study the code base, documentation, and content of a project? Before this project even formally enters the mainstream eye, without spending $1 marketing, it will have experts who know ever line and every feature and they can prove it. Through technology and cryptography the world is building organic intelligent and highly informed ecosystems Block Collider Evangelists is one such example. Don't get comfortable Wall Street.
Details - The event will be live, spectators welcome!
The questions are revealed within the Evangelist Events portal on May 8th at 1:00PM EST.
A max of 15,000 Emblems can be acquired for each winning allocation.
Hints to these questions are revealed on and on the Foundation's Twitter (
Questions range between 1 and 5 points, starting May 8th at 1:00PM EST collect 15 points fast enough to claim a spot as a Block Collider Evangelist.
AS ALWAYS we will never ask you to contribute anywhere other than please be wary of fraudulent activity and be care to check your web address.
For more information visit:,
Block Collider Core Developers