Recent posts of Mendeleev were deleted because after I read all of them it clearly indicates FUD and intentional misinformation (selected quotes and explanation bellow)
He was bitching about all kind of things for some time and was dancing around the FUDding line, which was annoying but still acceptable - hence posts weren't deleted.
What it looks to me is trolls trying to evolve and spread more sophisticated fear where in reality it is just misinformation wrapped around "concerns" and "conversation".
Have a look at the chronic - first general posts focusing on the big picture and how posts will be deleted, and then he dives into more focused FUD
A side note - he also changed his avatar to the Mask around the same time if I am not mistaken
Think about it man! You've all just convinced yourselves this is a positive move, because you're refusing to see the bigger picture. They made it so obvious too!
Basic FUD attempt. Usage of general words without providing any detailed information. "They" made it obvious but "You" refuse to see the big picture...
But by all means, delete it because it's "FUD" and "dangerous".
Like I wrote - first general posts focusing on the big picture and how posts will be deleted, and then he dives into more focused FUD
TaaS looks a bit sketchy, but still looks like a better option than Iconomi right now.
Nothing personally against TaaS, but if you think about it for a moment, TaaS is kind of like ICNP, where you get 50% back on publicly known trades in real time (front running someone?)
Team has not proved a damn thing yet, and they are far, far away from delivery.
Their token has a fixed price of $1 (because they decided to)
So better have ICN for half price and get much more than TaaS
and the last interview was.... sad
Imagine they have 100 btc to buy back ICN.
That goes straight to market.
Classic FUD attempt with fine douses of misinformation:
Iconomi platform will calculate and charge fees every 6 hours or maybe once a day. Once the fees are deducted from the funds they can go to the market and be ready for buying. You don't really think that Iconomi is gonna put a 100BTC buy walls? Common, they know a thing or two about markets and trading.
That means that some of the ICN will be bought for less than others. Which means the system isn't proportional, and your stake no longer represents a proportional stake in the profits accrued.
The ONLY people who are guaranteed to benefit from this are the Iconomi team, because they're getting their shares back free of charge (essentially), and increasing their stake in the new company by adding more weight to the ICN they hold.
BS continues. In case of dividends, ETH would be bought for distribution as well. And it would have to be done on a bi-weekly basis. Ethereum went up 4x in a month, so how would that be proportional stake in the profits (whatever that even means)?
And the last one - Iconomi team is the only one to benefit from that... The biggest BS and FUD comes at the end, since it will have the biggest weight. Last time I checked all ICN tokens were created equal.
And they will start having their ICN end of april. Start having as vested over a long period of time ( I think it is 12 months)
My conclusion:
for a person that sold his tokens and is here "just to see what's up because he wants to buy ICNX" it is shady AF.
If I would have half of the opinions he presents about any project, no way I would buy their product.
If it doesn't make sense it is a troll