My sign campaign ended last week, but I'm still here, and my sig is still here (too lazy to remove it).
But if you were to change your question to being in it for the money, I would say yes. I'm not a libertarian, I fundamentally don't care if bitcoin succeeds or not. But I hope that I could make a good return from it succeeding, therefore I support it.
You lost me at "for like 10 dollars a week", but what does Libertarian have to do with Bitcoin?
There's a few people calling my post or poll a stupid question, but you all should be thanking me! I gave you all a reason to add one more constructive post to your count, tips are appreciated - see my profile for my BTC address.
Nice idea to increase our post count per week.
There are also many posts which are nonsense and people are still posting there and their pages have grown more than 59. WTF is happening on the forum