This thread was started on March 8th, 2014. Bitcoin was trading around $620.
According to this news article: OP' father's house was worth around $400K. The OP stated that he got 648 BTC for his house, despite first expressing his interest in selling his house for Bitcoin in March 2013, when Bitcoin was just $30! That means that the OPs entry cost per Bitcoin is around $609.
Sorry, but what a fucking fool.
If he wasn't going to live in that house, then clearly the first stop for the capital generated from the house was fiat currency. Scared that the Candian Dollar was gonna tank? Get your money into USD? Get your money inot stocks, get your money into government bonds, and if you must, get your money into Bitcoin at prices way below what he paid and also at prices way below what they are even now.
It was a naive, irresponsible, impulsive, head strong stupid act, and the OP has had the wealth generating potential of all that capital tied up in an ultra high risk asset which has only very recently stopped tanking. As it happens, it looks likely that the OP may just get the chance to get out of Bitcoin at break even level. Indeed, he may even be able to exit Bitcoin with a slight profit for his years of worry and stress.....
....but if he gets greedy, and allows the delusion to persist (and I suspect he will), then he is going to lose his shirt.....
.....which is good, cos Bitcoin is a zero sum game and in order for Bitcoin to generate an income stream for the minority, the majority by definition, must lose wealth by investing in Bitcoin.
(so it seems like you brg444, are the one taling out his arse)