I fully agree with suchmoon
please firejuan just tell full story from A to Z
that exactly where and when first time you contacted with pcfli
and yes skype id not case sensitive.
so just start your new thread on scam section and post all story from start
whom contact first? you ? or pcfli?
you claimed that you was sent pm on forum to pcfli right? and they replied you and confirm you that they same guy as you talking with skype id with capital S? so before pm on forum you was already sent them any BTC?
why you NOT use escrow for deal?
if you used escrow already so that mean you also use faked escrow skype id? mean you so silly to got scammed via NOT one but 2 fake skype ids of scammer? and you only know this after you sent all your BTCs?
please post all transaction ids of BTC sent via blockchain.info links
and please make very clear large screen short of pm message you received from pcfli?
and also not sure how other guy "Helmax" on forum also got scammed? I requested this other guy "Helmax" please come here and write full story too
so everyone can decide if this guy pcfli is scammer or not
but I thing there is some thing wrong with this guy pcfli as how its possible 2 guys lost arround 13 BTCs via same guy pcfli so called fake ids and this guy pcfli still shows its innocent?
most important thing is how first contact start and how your skype id got by some fake scammer id? while firejuan skype id only known to pcfli?
and also Helmax how your skype id got by some scammer?
please post all story so all thing may be clear that what exactly happened??
As a long standing member of this forum I respect your position, all I can ask is that you look at the forum PM I received from pcfli that I requested from Skype account Skypepcfli (capital S) with the line "March Bitcoin". These two images were taken directly from my phone while he posts some hacked together files. I also have proof I initiated contact Wednesday 3-5 when he claims that I didn't contact him until Sunday 3-9 (-5 GMT). Again I have images to back this up.
Would it not be the MO of a scammer to establish a legit account to establish some credit ability then run some side deals to rip people of and claim innocence?
My BTC are gone but I know what this guy is and I don't want anyone else to lose their BTC from a bad decision.
Let's be fair, screenshots are about as easy to fake as anything else on the interwebpipes. Could you please just simply lay out the timeline of events and why you think pcfli is scammer, i.e.
1) who contacted whom first? Wednesday? via Skype? why?
2) there was an exchange of PMs? why? just to prove you and/or him are who you claim you are?
3) then money changed hands? blockchain link? what exactly was promised to be delivered and when?
4) you decided to get a refund, what did pcfli tell you?
5) at what point did you decide pcfli was scamming you? where does his supposedly "fake" skype conversation come in?
I have reviewed all your posts, which are essentially a couple of screenshots repeated over and over again and I still can't make any sense of it, mainly because the sequence of events as you describe them just don't connect. You are also accusing pcfli of posting doctored skype logs, although his seem to be as legit as yours. You also seem to be trolling some other threads with scam accusations, why?
Other supposed victims haven't explained anything at all, and pcfli is not saying much either. By the way Skype names are not case sensitive. That, and the weird "accent" your "character" has in pcfli's screenshot seem to support you case. So if you want this to be taken seriously please spend a few minutes and put together the full story. Thanks!