hi folks..
im playing around with the config files from G19_R1.2.img and here is what i found in the inno_config.py. seems like they will release or still running XMR miners ..óÒ..
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import platform
#################################### json配置 ###################################
gInnoJsonIndent = 2
#################################### cgi配置 ####################################
gInnoVersionPath = '/build_log'
gInnoPassWordPath= '/home/www/conf/password'
gInnoResolvPath = '/etc/resolv.conf'
gInnoTypePath = '/tmp/type'
gInnoHWVerPath = '/tmp/hwver'
gInnoRunShPath = '/home/inno_tools/run.sh'
gInnoMinerConfPath= '/home/www/conf/miner.conf'
gInnoDnaDevicePath= '/dev/dna'
gInnoDnaFilePath= '/innocfg/dna'
gInnoLogoPath = '/home/www/static/images/logo.png'
gInnoBakLogoPath = '/home/www/static/images/logo.png.inno'
gInnoBlankLogoPath = '/home/www/static/images/blank-logo.png'
gInnoSysLogPath = '/innocfg/log/miner.log'
gInnoDefVidPath = '/home/www/conf/defaultVID'
gInnoLogoFileSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024 # 4M
gInnoKeyGPIOValue = '/sys/class/gpio/gpio895/value'
gInnoGetDhcpCmd = "cat %s | grep ^iface | sed -n '$p' | awk '{print $4}'" % (gInnoInterfacePath)
gInnoGetIpCmd = "ifconfig | grep inet | sed -n '1p' | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}'"
gInnoGetNetmask = "ifconfig |grep inet| sed -n '1p'|awk '{print $4}'|awk -F ':' '{print $2}'"
gInnoGetGateway = "route -n | grep eth0 | grep UG | awk '{print $2}'"
##################################### json键 ####################################
gInnoCallBackKey = 'callback'
gInnoLogoFileKey = 'logofile'
gInnoBlankLogoKey = 'nologo'
gInnoResultKey = 'result'
gInnoResultValTrue = 'true'
gInnoResultValFalse = 'false'
gInnoPassWord = 'password'
gInnoNewPassWdKey = 'newpwd'
gInnoOldPassWdKey = 'oldpwd'
gInnoTypeKey = 'type'
gInnoFreqKey = 'Frequency'
gInnoVolKey = 'Voltage'
gInnoDhcpKey = 'dhcp'
gInnoIpAddrKey = 'ipaddress'
gInnoNetmaskKey = 'netmask'
gInnoGatawayKey = 'gateway'
gInnoDnsKey = 'dns'
gInnoPoolNumKey = 'PoolNum'
gInnoPool1Key = 'Pool1'
gInnoPool2Key = 'Pool2'
gInnoPool3Key = 'Pool3'
gInnoUser1Key = 'UserName1'
gInnoUser2Key = 'UserName2'
gInnoUser3Key = 'UserName3'
gInnoPwd1Key = 'Password1'
gInnoPwd2Key = 'Password2'
gInnoPwd3Key = 'Password3'
gInnoFanModeKey = 'fanmode'
gInnoFanSpdKey = 'fanspeed'
gInnoVidModeKey = 'vidmode'
################################### xgminer配置 #################################
gInnoMinerApiIp = ''
gInnoMinerApiPort = 4028
gInnoMinerApiDict = {"command" : "devs"}
gInnoMinerApiTest = {"command" : "summary"}
gInnoMinerApiBufSize= 4096
gInnoChainNum = 8
gInnoGPIOPwOnBase = 872 # 872,873,874,875,876,877,878,879
gInnoGPIOLedPwBase = 881 # 881,882,883,884,885,886,887,888
gInnoGPIOLedGreen = 869
gInnoGPIOLedRed = 870
gInnoGPIOKey = 895
gInnoGPIOBeep = 867
################################### run.sh模板 ##################################
gInnoRunshTemple = """#!/bin/sh
killall innominer_%s
killall innominer_%s
killall innominer_%s
sleep 5
gInnoTestTime = 600
gInnoInitCmdStr = 'innominer_%s -o %s -u %s -p %s --A1Pll1 %s --A1Pll2 %s --A1Pll3 %s --A1Pll4 %s --A1Pll5 %s --A1Pll6 %s --A1Pll7 %s --A1Pll8 %s --A1Vol1 %s --A1Vol2 %s --A1Vol3 %s --A1Vol4 %s --A1Vol5 %s --A1Vol6 %s --A1Vol7 %s --A1Vol8 %s --api-listen > /dev/null 2>&1 &'
gInnoVidMode = 'manual'
gInnoFanMode = 'auto'
gInnoFanSpeed = '3'
gInnoBtcName = 'T1'
gInnoBtcPool = 'stratum+tcp://btc.s.innomining.com:1800'
gInnoBtcPoolTest = 'stratum+tcp://btc.s.innomining.com:1800'
gInnoBtcUser = 'inno.btc'
gInnoBtcPwd = 'x'
gInnoBtcFreq = 1332
gInnoBtcVid = 10
gInnoBtcVidList = [12, 11, 10]
gInnoBtcPllList = [1332]
gInnoInitBtcCmd = gInnoInitCmdStr % (gInnoBtcName, gInnoBtcPool, gInnoBtcUser, gInnoBtcPwd, gInnoBtcFreq, gInnoBtcFreq, gInnoBtcFreq, gInnoBtcFreq, gInnoBtcFreq, gInnoBtcFreq, gInnoBtcFreq, gInnoBtcFreq, gInnoBtcVid, gInnoBtcVid, gInnoBtcVid, gInnoBtcVid, gInnoBtcVid, gInnoBtcVid, gInnoBtcVid, gInnoBtcVid)
gInnoLtcName = 'T2'
gInnoLtcPool = 'stratum+tcp://ltc.s.innomining.com:1900'
gInnoLtcPoolTest = 'stratum+tcp://ltc-sz-factory.s.innomining.com:1800'
gInnoLtcUser = 'inno.ltc'
gInnoLtcPwd = 'x'
gInnoLtcFreq = 1044
gInnoLtcVid = 25
gInnoLtcVidList = [26, 25, 24]
gInnoLtcPllList = [1044]
gInnoInitLtcCmd = gInnoInitCmdStr % (gInnoLtcName, gInnoLtcPool, gInnoLtcUser, gInnoLtcPwd, gInnoLtcFreq, gInnoLtcFreq, gInnoLtcFreq, gInnoLtcFreq, gInnoLtcFreq, gInnoLtcFreq, gInnoLtcFreq, gInnoLtcFreq, gInnoLtcVid, gInnoLtcVid, gInnoLtcVid, gInnoLtcVid, gInnoLtcVid, gInnoLtcVid, gInnoLtcVid, gInnoLtcVid)
gInnoDashName = 'T3'
gInnoDashPool = 'stratum+tcp://dash.s.innomining.com:2000'
gInnoDashPoolTest = 'stratum+tcp://dash-sz-factory.s.innomining.com:1800'
gInnoDashUser = 'inno.dash'
gInnoDashPwd = 'x'
gInnoDashFreq = 1100
gInnoDashVid = 12
gInnoDashVidList = [14, 13, 12]
gInnoDashPllList = [1100]
gInnoInitDashCmd = gInnoInitCmdStr % (gInnoDashName, gInnoDashPool, gInnoDashUser, gInnoDashPwd, gInnoDashFreq, gInnoDashFreq, gInnoDashFreq, gInnoDashFreq, gInnoDashFreq, gInnoDashFreq, gInnoDashFreq, gInnoDashFreq, gInnoDashVid, gInnoDashVid, gInnoDashVid, gInnoDashVid, gInnoDashVid, gInnoDashVid, gInnoDashVid, gInnoDashVid)
gInnoXmrName = 'T4'
gInnoXmrPool = 'stratum+tcp://pool.com:800'
gInnoXmrPoolTest = 'stratum+tcp://a8.s.innomining.com:19333'
gInnoXmrUser = 'innot4.0001'
gInnoXmrPwd = 'x'
gInnoXmrFreq = 1000
gInnoXmrVid = 175
gInnoXmrVidList = [175]
gInnoXmrVidList = [950, 1000, 1050]
gInnoInitXmrCmd = gInnoInitCmdStr % (gInnoXmrName, gInnoXmrPool, gInnoXmrUser, gInnoXmrPwd, gInnoXmrFreq, gInnoXmrFreq, gInnoXmrFreq, gInnoXmrFreq, gInnoXmrFreq, gInnoXmrFreq, gInnoXmrFreq, gInnoXmrFreq, gInnoXmrVid, gInnoXmrVid, gInnoXmrVid, gInnoXmrVid, gInnoXmrVid, gInnoXmrVid, gInnoXmrVid, gInnoXmrVid)gInnoCmd1Pool = gInnoInitCmdStr
gInnoCmd2Pool = 'innominer_%s -o %s -u %s -p %s -o %s -u %s -p %s --A1Pll1 %s --A1Pll2 %s --A1Pll3 %s --A1Pll4 %s --A1Pll5 %s --A1Pll6 %s --A1Pll7 %s --A1Pll8 %s --A1Vol1 %s --A1Vol2 %s --A1Vol3 %s --A1Vol4 %s --A1Vol5 %s --A1Vol6 %s --A1Vol7 %s --A1Vol8 %s --api-listen >/dev/null 2>&1 &'
gInnoCmd3Pool = 'innominer_%s -o %s -u %s -p %s -o %s -u %s -p %s -o %s -u %s -p %s --A1Pll1 %s --A1Pll2 %s --A1Pll3 %s --A1Pll4 %s --A1Pll5 %s --A1Pll6 %s --A1Pll7 %s --A1Pll8 %s --A1Vol1 %s --A1Vol2 %s --A1Vol3 %s --A1Vol4 %s --A1Vol5 %s --A1Vol6 %s --A1Vol7 %s --A1Vol8 %s --api-listen >/dev/null 2>&1 &'