Is treating data as property useful? If the answer is yes, people will do it and you have no right to tell them not to. You can try to persuade but don't get self-righteous.
Useful for whom? Sure, some people are going to try to treat data as property, but that doesn't make it so. (insert slavery property reference here) Others will treat data as data, and you have no right to use force against them to prevent it. I can get as self-righteous as I like. Your great-grandchildren are going to be as embarassed to know how you "earned" an income as white southerners today are about how they came to inherit a Georgia plantation.
That's a question for the people making the decision. You can be as self-righteous as you like - democracies are well used to authoritarians lecturing them. Gaddify used lecture us Europeans on how to run a "fair" society should be run.
There is good and bad news for you:
The bad news for you is that you are have only one vote and there are lots of people with their own ideas you have to compete with. Some say all property is theft. Others say that lizard people have taken over the world. There are still committed socialists who say some property can only be owned by the state. You say that intellectual property is akin to slavery. A democracy is a free market in ideas so its all good stuff.
The good news is that you live in a free country so feel free to lobby for a change. If you don't come up with something better than the existing system, I don't see you getting any further than the lizard conspiracy people.