Go for it! Also try to spread out your money a little more, read up on stocks. Having your investments spread out would maximize potential gain and minimize the risk of any losses.
That would be helpful in the very long term for those who are only interested in the best possible returns and value conservation. It makes no sense to invest money into something other than Bitcoin with so much potential.
I have thought of cashing out a certain part of my profits last year, and that while the price was still below the $1000 mark, and I was searching for a reason that would justify such a move, but nothing ever could I realized.
Looking back now, my confidence in Bitcoin and its long term potential made me firmly hodl my coins, and it paid off nicely. In the same way, I expect the aforementioned to apply to all the years we still have ahead of us.
In other words, converting to fiat, real estate, gold, and the list goes on, isn't a wise option at this point in time.