There is a popular quote that says until everyone around you is rich then your still poor. It's same thing here with your concept, we must always elevate the people around us to be free financially, if you're the only person free financially it turns out that you will not still be free in a short time because you will tend to lift all the bills from your household on yourself which I consider as same as suicide.
If you want to be successful then your people have to be successful, you have to take care of your family, friends etc that as so dear to you to the next level for you to go more high. In general we should always extend our hands to people who needs it as it will guarantee our success too.
You are very correct, as it will really be of help to them and also to us, especially if we go bankrupt or we don't have any money to solve our problems or emergency as of that moment, we might call them to help us.
Then we know that helping them to be financially stable for themselves is also useful to us, because it's not everytime money do come in, and in a man's life, sometimes things might be a little tough for us and there are no way for us to get through it until that season is over but when we help those who are taking responsibility for, they will also return the favour to us, even to our own unborn children. So let's be helpful to each other anytime they need our help but not only that, let's also teach them how to be okay and successful in their lives in anyway we can and let's also remember that " One good turn deserves another".
For you not to end up on with that extreme disappointment then it would really be best that you shouldn't really be expecting something in return even if you are really that giving all the best that you could have
specially into your child or into those other people or relatives that you had been supporting into. You should really be removing into your mind about on the things you have done into them
and really that trying out to ask return of the favor whcih is really that a bullsh^t kind of thinking or mindset. They werent that being raised on giving out that responsible act into those people whom have helped you.
In ethical sense then we would really be thinking about into those people who have helped us, but not all people would really be having this kind of consideration when it comes to this aspect
and on the moment that they have finished evertyhing or already that put up themselves on a good situation or better ones, then they would really be that trying out to forget.
Yes, its sad after all the help and sacrifices had been made but ended up on getting left behind.