I think more of African people would understand this better where economy system can be so hard and the people struggles to make living and add values to their lives while those opportuned to breakthrough those hard times are being overweighted to grow higher due to responsibility surrounding them.
I have this guy who works with my elder brother in their office, they do these same work and in the same department with the same salary but unfortunately, this guy don't have any money left on him before the month do reach even half, and before he will collect the next salary, he would have had debt everywhere under his pillow waiting to be paid and when they got into discussion, he said he has a lot of responsibilities coming from home and are all from his siblings. That's obviously, the family is dependent on him despite having a good job that pays well.
Even if you are earning millions of dollars and the people around you don't have a means to earn will only fustrate your financial stability and you wouldn't be able to grow personally. This is why the adage that says teach how to fish but don't give a fish is one of the best way to remove someone from financial situations around you.