A few problems with what you are implying:
1) these are stories from people already in ABSOLUTE power over their markets. These are multi-billion dollar companies already. Sure we can find stories about Jobs or Musk or Zuckerberg or whomever acting insane - but it's confirmation bias to assume that these tactics are a net-positive for them, as most other entrepreneurs who act this way are usually gone after some short time. These guys were not successful because of these outbursts but in spite of them. I would argue that it cost Jobs the first time around, in fact.
2) to be more blunt, I personally know several CEOs and board members of fortune 500 companies (in fact, these people are themselves in Forbes and the like). I have not reached out to them mainly because I don't believe it is in my best interest to do so with the way that David communicates with others - also, these people are going to have others who work for them look through these type of threads (in fact, look through everything available) and it WILL LOOK BAD, PERIOD. I know so because I have asked some of them indirectly about this.
People who have net-worths in the 9 and 10 figures in USD don't care about making MORE money if it means dealing with extremely difficult human beings. Since David presents himself as both being extremely difficult AND runs much of IOTA (and JINN) in stealth mode, it becomes hard to gauge how hard I should push for the attention of people who don't have too much time to waste.
Lastly, I'm sure I'm not the only person who has held back from forwarding this project to influential people because of a lack of transparency (which I have no problem with, I'm just not convinced it's the best way to go in this particular case [big deal and foundation details, etc])... anyway, my original point stands. I'm still not convinced that it's in the best interest of IOTA to have David be this devastatingly aggressive to such a large number of users here (if it was just 1 or 2 arguments, ok... but it's to almost every question posed).
I've talked enough about this issue, nothing has ever changed, so, I will leave it be - but, I assure you that this is a misstep on David's part towards his vision for IOTA and the future (a vision I want him to succeed in).
edit- typo
A reliable source has passed along a legal document in the ongoing lawsuit between Google and Microsoft over Google’s hiring of Kai-Fu Lee. The document is the “Declaration of Mark Lucovsky” in the case. Lucovsky was a distinguished engineer at Microsoft who defected to Google in November of 2004. His statement makes for some pretty interesting reading, to say the least.
The statement reads in part:
Prior to joining Google, I set up a meeting on or about November 11, 2004 with Microsoft’s CEO Steve Ballmer to discuss my planned departure….At some point in the conversation Mr. Ballmer said: “Just tell me it’s not Google.” I told him it was Google.
At that point, Mr. Ballmer picked up a chair and threw it across the room hitting a table in his office. Mr. Ballmer then said: “Fucking Eric Schmidt is a fucking pussy. I’m going to fucking bury that guy, I have done it before, and I will do it again. I’m going to fucking kill Google.” ….Just FYI