Normaly, if Satoshi valuation is too high for one unit, the trading pair goes into LTC or another coin. Or are there any examples where coins were traded in "batches"?
I'm not sure, but it seems unthinkable that there will not be a BTC/IOTA pair in one form or another.
Any coin with a decimal is essentially 'in batches'. The decimal is an illusion. Ideally, you'd want to look at the expected lowest price and ask how many iota you'd get for 1 satoshi.
I think a marketcap of 5000 bitcoin would be a minimum bottom with alot of bad news. Therefore-
2779530283277761 / 5000 00000000 = 5559 iota per satoshi. So, 5.559 KIota for 1 satoshi at this low. @ 25000 marketcap- approximately 1 KIota per satoshi. At this marketcap 1 bitcoin will get 555 Giota or 555 906 056 KIota.
If IOTA were to get to par with bitcoin- 15 000 000 00000000
2779530283277761 / 15 000 000 00000000
= 1.8 iota per Satoshi. or 0.00185 KIota.
It looks like KIota scales to a large marketcap but going down to iota after reaching $1 billion might be more appropriate. MIota and especially GIota would quickly be reduced to working in fractions too quickly if the marketcap were to reach the top 5 on coinmarketcap.
Just some thoughts.