What will happen to the legitimacy of Bitcoin if we determine that 30% of the new coins mined, since the asic dream began, could be classified as stolen assets/ property ?
Governments have a problem with bitcoin, that works to the scammers' advantage short term: if they were to allege fraud -under US law, it would probably be Civil RICO- then, by definition, they would be accepting the legitimacy of bitcoins as something of value, and -worse- would have to assign some value to them to finish the allegation.
I have no doubt that there has been systematic use of Avalon equipment since the March/April price run-up. I don't believe it has been done by team Avalon, except to the extent that their poor control over their fulfillment processes is responsible in an overarching, "buck stops at the top" way.
But prior to April, I don't believe it was worth it. I'm not so sure that BFL has done it, or is so loosely organized that it would go on without knowledge; I don't think that's part of their script.
What you are really saying, probably, is this: If 30% of the new coins minted were done so using the money of those who pre-purchased asic "dreams," only to have those dreams turn into nightmares of difficulty-induced futility, then a lot of people - maybe a critical mass of early adopters - would abandon the concept and it could die.
Yeah, that's possible. But as long as the "scheme" regardless of the ethics of those around it, continues to produce 400 thousand dollars worth of something every day, there for the taking for anybody who has the right piece of electronic gadgetry, there will be those to replace those who drop away, if someone promises them that gadget.
The governments and the Central banks might, ultimately, kill this. But right now, they haven't figured out how to attack it effectively, and, frankly, it isn't big enough - yet - for them to worry too much about.