If proof has been presented then you should have no issue pointing to the person who I have stolen from, nor advising the amount I have stolen. o.
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.12404224There you go. You
scammed, you got caught, you returned the money. And we know there are many more out there that aren't aware you scammed them and they are entitled to a refund.
Do you think if you robbed a bank, got caught and returned the money, they would let you go?
(Proof has been presented yet again to QS. But I'll take bets that QS will ask for proof yet again...)
Why don't you explain how exactly that is me scamming? Both of the people who I refunded explicitly said that they did not feel that I was scamming.
I demand that you retract your statements or else you will be liable for libel.
You are a troll and a coward.
A.You are afraid to stand behind what you say (or else you would have provided an address that I can serve you). You are
B. afraid to make similar statements about tomatocage because you are afraid of him. This is despite the fact that he has engaged in the
exact same activity.
You pick on those who you think are not able to counter any of your generalized arguments. You ignore any factual arguments yet instead rely on buzzwords to try to make a point. You consistently take the easy way out. Why do you think it is that you have huge amounts of negative trust when viewed from depth 3 or 4? It is because you were able to troll others hard enough for them to appear to be a scammer, but have no way of fighting back and left you retaliatory negative trust and eventually abandoned their accounts.
You are against people making informed decisions for themselves, you are against free markets, you are a disgrace to bitcoin, and most importantly,
C.you are a disgrace to this community. Do you look in the mirror when you throw out accusations like this?
A. As a new accouunt I can see who Vod is,but fail to see who you are outside this forum and yet he is the one that is scared to stand behind what he says! This is very rich.
B. Can you claim victim well goading another member into a fight?
C. At first I thought you outed members for scams for the good of the community,but I noticed a trend. That being it usually was some one that you disliked for one reason or another or saw them as competition. Its a pretty good ploy but you took it to far and now have to many enemies to fight at the same time. The more you post the more I see
how important it is to you to be right at all costs,which makes me wonder about all the neg reps you ever made.
I doubt you respond to this post either,still wondering why you post for PistolPete as well.