Gulden can't achieve top 20 without Poloniex. The creators must consider this seriously. Traders on all other exchanges follow Poloniex prices.
Poloniex better then innovation for higher price but innovation + Poloniex is ultimate. Gulden devs are dumb not to push for a listing with all the innovation they bringing. When Gulden added to Poloniex I will invest again.
PoW2 would get Gulden to a similar value as digibyte on Poloniex.
12 DigiByte DigiByte DGB $446,766,368
56 Gulden Gulden NLG $38,273,112
Gulden not 10% of Digibytes marketcap because devs refuse to be added to Poloniex. Community must force the devs hands on this because people will only notice Gulden when in the top 20.
Digibyte has been maintaining it's record marketcap for over 3 weeks. Gulden half a day and it's over. Gulden devs fail to understand that it's the Poloniex traders that keep the coins on bittrex at high prices.
Until the mindset changes in camp Gulden it's doomed to be nothing more then a coin that can't break into the top 50.
Gulden is more accurately priced compared to digibyte.
Digibytes fiat volume on is $149,825
Guldens fiat volume $119,881 on Nocks + $30,253 on Litebit + $977 on Guldentrader = $151 111
Gulden has over $2000 more fiat volume but is 10% of the digibyte marketcap, this will only increase when the 2 fiat EUR/NLG exchange are opened this year.
It is obvious to me and everyone else that Poloniex is giving coins a false sense of security when it comes to value.
We happy to see Rijk took this advice about having a direct fiat pairing for Gulden.
It looks like the price is settled in the mid 4000s and will remain here for awhile, this all changes if Gulden is unexpectedly added to Poloniex before PoW2, then who knows how fast Gulden will reach $1 billion marketcap. It is better for long term growth the coin remains off Poloniex or most coins will
end up with Poloniex traders.