Gulden can't achieve top 20 without Poloniex. The creators must consider this seriously. Traders on all other exchanges follow Poloniex prices.
Poloniex better then innovation for higher price but innovation + Poloniex is ultimate. Gulden devs are dumb not to push for a listing with all the innovation they bringing. When Gulden added to Poloniex I will invest again.
PoW2 would get Gulden to a similar value as digibyte on Poloniex.
12 DigiByte DigiByte DGB $446,766,368
56 Gulden Gulden NLG $38,273,112
Gulden not 10% of Digibytes marketcap because devs refuse to be added to Poloniex. Community must force the devs hands on this because people will only notice Gulden when in the top 20.