Another argument is that religious people have imposed a truth that may not be true, generating a whole system of false beliefs, prohibitions and rigid norms of behavior that have sometimes become excessive.
Those in favor of religion believe that their faith gives meaning to life and their beliefs drive them to be better people, therefore religion would provide many more benefits without doing harm.
Is religion really necessary?
Religion is a system of human activity composed of beliefs and practices about what is considered as divine or sacred, both personal and collective, existential, moral and spiritual.
A belief is an idea that is considered true by the person who professes it.
Well explained this many people including myself we wonder: is it necessarily a belief agena my truth? And therefore should I become part of their system of practices ?.
In my personal case, I have come to think that there is nothing more healthy than the individuality of thought in terms of these issues, many people go there condemning others to a future full of suffering and pain in hell or the open for no Practice their beliefs, many have lost their homes and possessions most prized by fanatics who have filled their heads with "beliefs" and ideas agenas to theirs ...
The method used in many of the cases:
A clear example:
Pepito believes in a god or a higher being, he has his own vision of that being and is happy, sleeps peacefully, lives happy and knows what is good and is bad, (because let's face it: we all know that he is good and that he is Bad, we do not need a manual to identify this or in most cases it is so), until one day Peptio is met with a person who tells him not to go to church, not to read the bible, not to praise God, Not to give a tithe, and not to follow literally the thousand and one tips that the bible has and even those who contradict themselves, will go to hell and be judged severely by God. Since that day Pepito goes to church, he lives in fear, and is constantly harassed with feelings of guilt every time he makes mistakes ...
Now, is it happy pepito? Maybe the answer is: NO
People should be free to believe and think as they like, if we analyze things there are many religions and look, has the Hindu people been destroyed by God for believing in ganesha? Are Buddhists the victims of the lack of love of a creator ? Are simple questions with obvious answers, the answer is NO, these are people who with other points of view and other religions have obtained happiness or spiritual rest, why can not we be happy believing our way? Because they do not have their own god, or else they do not have a god.
Religion to this day has been a system of manipulation of masses rather than a cult of love, where the believer is exploited financially, manipulated mentally, and their own beliefs are demonized, turning them into a means to produce panic to the population. The most clear is the holy inquisition, the enrichment of many Christian pastors, and the deprivation of individual freedom of thought in many alternative cults.
Regardless of the belief, people should always ask themselves in their lives if this makes them happy, if it makes them happy: Go ahead, they will do well, but if not why stay oppressed?
Be free, think, reason, if Christians say that God gave free will because he would punish us for using it ?, many Muslims were sold the idea that we must die for God and that is why so many people commit suicide in their name In wars to reach their love, the Jews are made to believe that they are the chosen people and that there is of the others then? And you know why? Because it is not really God who dictates this, it is MAN, it is not good to be oppressed by the ideas of others if they harm us.
I don't think religion is necessary for humans. Nobody has to die for some ideology or religion. In addition nobody has to think about they will be punished in after life. Religion was just a constitution in the past. It is no necessary for talk about it.