I think it best we let niothor live in his illusions. Russia can make its all, well, everything, but it best operates under stress. So these sanctions are to be thanked for kick-starting that dormant potential and waking Russia from its false state of security as an "equal partner" to the West, than now shows its true colours.
niothor is looking for personal vendetta
he soon will be joining his Romanian Panzer tank division and will liberate Moldova and Ukraine
it is probably a good thing they keep him in Romania
the problem with sanctions is that they will most certainly affect Russian economy, you can't be isolated and prosper, it is a global market
Love how you twist my posts.
Nemo can confirm that I have said at least three times I'm against the unification between Moldova and Romania in the current state both countries are.
Second , I Told you I don't care about who gets killed in Ukraine , the whole thing is so stupid and the guys holding the power there are beyond psychiatric help. Both rebels and Ukrainians.
And about my decision of joining the army if another russian invasion comes , don't you think it's normal? What will you do if your country gets invaded? Hide under you bed with your bitcoin wallet?
1. Yes, can confirm that.
2. Agree with you there, though the freedom fighters are more sane - they are defending their land.
3. If Russia invaded Romania, you'd be fully correct in joining the resistance, and I'd be the first saying to you to do it. However, as long as Putin in in power, you'd be waiting long for Russia to invade anything.
PS: Niothor, my return question, which is more likely to need answering in the current climate is: will you be joining forces when/if Brussels and the Belgians ask you to invaded Ukraine and possibly Russia under the pretext of preventing "Russian aggression" by the means of pre-emptive aggression? During WWII Romanian forces already invaded Ukraine, then part of the Soviet Union, and were rather brutal in Odessa and around doing public executions of civilians in retaliation for partisan resistance, without much prompting from Germany. If we forget for a moment that Odessa was founded by Ekaterina, by Russia, and say it's Ukraine, will you (meaning Romanians) be again invading Ukraine and going to Odessa in tanks?