The relationship between France and Russia has been a rocky one. 1812 is not forgotten still, though it is forgiven. French participation in Crimean War is not forgotten either, but the price for it was paid during WWI, when Russia was not to keen to come to French aid. Still Russia has been more lenient when it came to the forgive part, when French were concerned...
Should have posted this article here:
NATO ‘beefing up muscles’ over Ukraine crisis a mistake – Russia interested me the most, are the following three reader comments:
Markov 04.06.2014 11:16
I wish to apologize to the world at large for the lying human garbage that passes as governance in the USA. The hypocrisy & duplicity of the likes of Obama, Kerry, Bush, Cheney, Biden, Nuland, Psaki, Wolfowitz, etc. (the list could go on for a very long time of course) is an embarrassment to people of conscience everywhere, and rest assured there are some (but not enough) of us here in the USA.
Can't wait for our most nauseating holiday (July 4) when we pretend that we are still a free nation. They will read the Decalaration of Independence, and then promptly forget every principle for which it stands.
Mikhas 04.06.2014 11:19
Not only a mistake. It´s the same mistake The Swedes, Napoleon and Hitler did and it wont take WW3 for NATO to vanish from the face of the earth, Ukraine is undoubtedly their final grave. The last of arses we would see above the tomb will be Anders Foggy Ratmussen´s.
Only a complete idiot would conjure up and encourage primitive Nazi freaks, the heirs of the genocidal mass murderer Bandera, against a people that has won every Drang Nach osten in history, the latest to the tune of of 25 million people fighting for our right not to live under fascism.
Markov 04.06.2014 11:25
If you think things are bad now, wait until Hillary gets elected (and rest assured, she WILL be the next president) - she will be itching for a fight with Putin just so she can show him she has bigger, hairier balls than he has.
I hope I am wrong, but I don't see how we don't end up in another Cold War or even real war....only now because of all the lying about not advancing NATO the war mongers likely feel they have more and better cards to play than in the Soviet days, since they are moving their missiles so much closer.