You can easily know the father of the child by dna test. This is not written in koran?
DNA can give estimated results not accurate.
DNA tests can exclude with 100% accuracy and include with 99.99% probability. That's enough in my book. (My book is science.)
They define it as probability. Yes, it can tell who is your father sometimes but not all time and you will have to rely on probability mostly. When paternal parent issue comes, when 4 husbands are invloved, it is not that easy. Also think what they will do if more than one sperm fertilizes the egg? It is very complex and lead to complex situations. This can theoretically be enough but practically it isn't.(not always)
Rape or marriage, the fact that the girl is still a child and not mature to think. In muslim world there is no courtship, Mohammed most probably buy the child from his father and call it marriage.
Your religion Mohammad Zakir is good for you. You can buy as many child as you can and rape them and call it marriage. Nice religion.
In muslim world women is considered property by men and women cannot decide on its own.
You're saying that as if he did nothing wrong. I am just appalled.
Having sex with a Minor, either through marriage or rape is wrong and illegal and people who do that are called Pedophiles.
'Aisha was matured when 'Aisha started living with prophet. 'Aisha was 10-12 years old and in hot places, girls tend to reach puberty faster.
Nope, it wasn't "bought". It was nikkah.
Muhammad(PBUH) only married to ONE virgin and that is 'Aisha. All others were widows. If prophet was pedophiles or rapist, marrying more matured girls or virgins would have made sense.
Also in old traditions, the bond between two persons/familty were increased through marriage. This is also another reason of that marriage.
I think everyone gets all that. People also know that some of this is nuts.
Using what someone did several hundred years ago to justify things being done today is fairly thin logic.
"This prophet did this, that prophet did that" is a cop-out.
Nothing will get resolved until people stop pointing to some paragraph in any holy book or whatever and using it as an excuse for what they themselves decide to do.
It's not OK to rape 9 year old girls. It's not OK to sell 9 year old girls. Women, as batshit crazy as they are, have rights too. Every person walking this planet has the same inherent right to a life free from interference from crazy people as does the next one.
These wack-jobs from ISIS need to be killed, by whatever means, as do the rest of the Allah jihadists. anyone that supports them, the same. there is no talking to them or reasoning with them. Anything but bullets and bombs is a waste of time with these people.
The christians did their crazy shit too, although that's behind us in a militaristic sense- and good riddance. This latest tide of religious wackadoos has access to more modern technology and need to be beaten down pronto before they get their hands on deadlier shit than they already have.