Are you a real anarchist? I don't believe you
. See something about anarchism ....
LOL Anarchists bicker amongst themselves about who the 'real' Anarchists are, socialists/communists would tell you they're the real Anarchists and capitalists can't be Anarchists, I just consider Anarchism to be what it's described as, without rulers, as long as there's no hierarchy enforcing it's will on other people through violence I'd be pretty happy but that's pretty much all society is made up of right now.
By numbers and destruction they are not even close to most of the conquerors across history. The difference is in the information flow. We've heard only stories about the deeds of the romans, huns, mongolians, etc. This one is happening almost real-time in our living room thanks to the media coverage.
Exactly snail2, that's what I'm saying as well, it's far more shocking to see it all on unfold and that's how the Jihadists like it, they want to scare the fuck out of you, in the same way our own leaders use constant streams of information about murder and crime to scare the fuck out of all of us even though when you actually look at the statistics there haven't actually really been as many homicides etc. as they're making out to be.
If the world was really all that bad, we'd be screwed right now but that just shows you how much people are all turning on ISIS in the end.