So how much GHs and for how long did you mine to get .57 IXC?
stats on that amount are a bit haphazard;
I have 150GH on one account (bitparking) which merge mines coinage, and funds from another 90GH on another account (bitparking) ...but during the last long round (2 weeks) i've been jumping in and out of bitparking, so that amount isn't representative of a constant hashrate. The 0.57 is from the 150GH account, but the 90gh has also has been in and out of the pool, during the long round. the windows wallet, from that miner, has 0.74.
I've only been using bitparking for a few rounds, hence why the sum is so low. For a better idea of what 150gh is mining, see current round stats
at 25 hrs, 0.1569 ixcoin have been mined.
i guess i'm going to have to wait for a new windows ixcoin wallet release to get these funds out? bear in mind, that one of the mining accounts (the 90gh) feeds it directly.