Imminent Troll Attack Incoming:
I'm expecting a big attack to try and push me out again.
If/When that happens you guys need to stand up for me and this community the way I have been fighting for all of you and iXCoin the past 2+ years.
These guys are professional mind benders. What they've been trying to do for 2 years now is destroy my reputation and make me look unstable so when they're ready to take over iXCoin they could easily come in with a dozen trolls and remove me.
The problem is I never once pumped this coin with all the inside info and big secret projects they promised and which I always confirmed before mentioning anything here. I never took advantage of what I knew so they couldn't hit my rep even once in 2 years.
From a feature film about iXCoin and me (which I never even talked about publicly) to iXpay, iXcards, and now some huge multi million dollar iX mobile app (for which I was supposed to do the fund raising) and ixCoin becoming the exclusive test net for Bitcoin, I never fell for any pump and dumps schemes, I never bought based on the info I had and I never tried to make it sound better than it was to push the price up.
I always thought about all of you and how you'd get stuck holding the bag if those projects didn't work out. And many things I never even mentioned publicly cause I wanted to wait until it was done.
So when they saw I wasn't pulling any pump and dumps they started provoking me by getting me to publicly promise something, based on their guarantees, then pull out with some lying excuse. They know I don't like that, they know I get angry when I'm lied to, and even today one of them provoked me by saying: "Let's blow up the iXCoin community!"
My response was: "No, I worked hard to build that community. If I'm gonna blow something up it's gonna be and Discus Fish."
So I didn't fall for their games - everytime they provoke me or set me up I end up doing something they don't expect and their time is running out. They have to execute on their plan later this year, that's my gut feeling, and they need me out, ASAP!!!
The reason they want me out is cause I have become iXCoin. In our meetings they have repeatedly said: "We don't want this coin associated or identified with any one person."
It was not intentional - I never tried to take iXCoin from Thomas even though I could have done it with ease. I fought for Thomas even back in 2013 when he had been gone for 2 years and I thought he took the premine and bailed. This is his coin but I took it over and did most of the work so I'm not gonna walk away.
I'm being punished for having done too good of a job for iXcoin and this community and they can't risk me totally taking over iXCoin if/when it takes off. They know I would be Shrem + Roger Ver, combined, and on crypto roids and they know it's way too risky to allow me to get to that level.
This is NOT my coin but I do care about it and its community (which I built solely on my own) more than anyone else. These bastards don't even care about me after all the work I put in and after I promised them I would raise 300,000 iXCoin, of which 100,000 IXC was gonna be mine, a massive chunk of the IXC I have left so trust me when I tell you that they don't care about any of you.
I am your only connection to reality. And I know whose these guys are.
I am not scared of them. I have told them the only way I'm leaving is either my way, the right way, or in a body bag.
I am not backing down regardless of who they are; they should have trusted me the way I trusted them.
There is a lot more you guys don't know about, and I don't want to oust their real identity unless I'm forced to. I just wanted to give you all an idea cause I have a strong feeling Jumbly 2.0 is coming back and this time he's bringing lots of friends. I have always been honest with all of you and I have lost a lot of money investing in this coin and in its community. I have gained nothing but pain, stress and serious mind games.
There is a cemented plan for iXCoin, that I am certain of so don't worry about these guys dropping or leaving IXC, I have more to lose than all of you and I'm calling their bluff. They're not going anywhere, they'll just try a new strategy - hopefully they'll realize that an honest, open strategy will work best with me.
Until then do as I've always said: Diversify and invest in iXCoin for the long term.
Nothing coming from me Vlad and last time it was just me all on my own being honest about how you made me feel. We couldn't agree or work together, eventually I just accepted that IXC practically belongs to you and you seemed to have the support of its developers so I sold the majority of my interest in it and moved on.
I haven't looked in here for ages, so I was a bit surprised and not surprised at all at the same time when I did and saw the above post and how fondly you remember me and I'm probably wasting my breathe but anything going on in here with IXC has absolutely nothing to do with me and I'm not even sure if I can be bothered to go back, read and find out what is going on. These days my only interest is with DigiByte, I think it has a future but like IXC it is resistant and intolerant to the pump and dump scams that plague crypto.
If there are bogie men in here and I certainly believe they exist, I'm not one of them. Good day!