This doesn't look good at the moment, not really surprising though.
People were just throwing thier money at him, hopfully this is a minunderstanding or somthing and can be resolved quickly
It's a gamble whatever way you look at it. By investing in xbox, I took a calculated risk in full knowledge that I may not see any coins again. Of course if it is an elaborate scam, that will suck, but I was prepared for a worst case scenario of losing my investment anyhow, so that does somewhat soften any potential blow.
Hopefully, the only btc that people threw into this were those that they could afford to lose. You should
never gamble with money you need for living - that's basically gambling 101.
Regardless, I am of the opinion that xbox is legit, and I'm certainly not going to join the mini witchhunt and pointing the finger in this thread. Yes, xbox could probably do himself a favour by at least posting to quell everybody's fears, but I understand that life often gets in the way of things and unlike some people on this forum, myself and xbox are members of the elite having-a-job-and-a-life club

Give it a few days - if you hear nothing from him by then, go ahead - freak out. In the meantime, remain civil and corteous no matter how concerned you may feel. We could all potentially benefit here and there's nothing to be gained by driving someone away who may make us all (slightly) richer!