
Topic: Journey from .15 btc to a motorcycle (32 btc) via sports betting OVER 1 BTC NOW! - page 6. (Read 17254 times)

sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250

 I hate the fact that this topic turned into a witch hunt , I mean shouldnt there be a seperate stuff about this? We here believe in him , hopefully this will change anytime now as he will write here and set things straight . He has almost 10 btc on his name and he still updates everyday , why not run away with it after the accusations if you are really a scammer and just stay and update ? Cheesy I believe he is not a scammer , people who think he is should open up a new topic rather than writing here.
Activity: 1578
Merit: 1000
May the coin be with you..
I'm quite surprised that he hasn't defended himself at all today. Seems like he has logged in today but hasn't posted anything. Considering the accusations being put his way it's a bit concerning for any investors.

Fingers crossed this is resolved shortly
full member
Activity: 173
Merit: 100
Welp - if it helps calm anybody's nerves, I just checked my private betting sheet and he's still on there adding to it and updating - if it's a scam I'm unsure he'd still be going to the time and effort to update the multitude of private sheets he's keeping for us all.

Like I said - please cool off everyone. Give him the opportunity to explain. Innocent until proven guilty, right?
Activity: 3304
Merit: 4115

This is so sad. I had high hopes for this thread, it was just starting to get really popular and interesting. Such a shame. Maybe he got enough money to buy the motorcycle and decided to split.

Oh come on! His last post in this thread was literally only 10 hours ago. People do have to work, sleep, spend time with families etc!

Can we give it a good solid 48 hours before we jump into full on burn the witch mode please?

I agree we should give him some more time, but check his profile and trust history. 2 days ago he got 5btc for a moneypak but still hasn't paid. He's also been logged in after the accusations started.

Also very heavy accusations going against him. Still awaiting proof.
hero member
Activity: 728
Merit: 500

This is so sad. I had high hopes for this thread, it was just starting to get really popular and interesting. Such a shame. Maybe he got enough money to buy the motorcycle and decided to split.

Oh come on! His last post in this thread was literally only 10 hours ago. People do have to work, sleep, spend time with families etc!

Can we give it a good solid 48 hours before we jump into full on burn the witch mode please?

I agree we should give him some more time, but check his profile and trust history. 2 days ago he got 5btc for a moneypak but still hasn't paid. He's also been logged in after the accusations started.
full member
Activity: 173
Merit: 100

This is so sad. I had high hopes for this thread, it was just starting to get really popular and interesting. Such a shame. Maybe he got enough money to buy the motorcycle and decided to split.

Oh come on! His last post in this thread was literally only 10 hours ago. People do have to work, sleep, spend time with families etc!

Can we give it a good solid 48 hours before we jump into full on burn the witch mode please?
hero member
Activity: 728
Merit: 500

 Although I believe xbox is legit , the 'wait couple more hours - 1 day' deal wont work on these fella's because some of them says he scammed them 2-3 days ago already , so they have been waiting , this is probably their last stop Cheesy I hope xbox will clear these accusations because I think he build a good rep here

This is so sad. I had high hopes for this thread, it was just starting to get really popular and interesting. Such a shame. Maybe he got enough money to buy the motorcycle and decided to split.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250

 Although I believe xbox is legit , the 'wait couple more hours - 1 day' deal wont work on these fella's because some of them says he scammed them 2-3 days ago already , so they have been waiting , this is probably their last stop Cheesy I hope xbox will clear these accusations because I think he build a good rep here
full member
Activity: 173
Merit: 100
This doesn't look good at the moment, not really surprising though.

People were just throwing thier money at him, hopfully this is a minunderstanding or somthing and can be resolved quickly

It's a gamble whatever way you look at it. By investing in xbox, I took a calculated risk in full knowledge that I may not see any coins again. Of course if it is an elaborate scam, that will suck, but I was prepared for a worst case scenario of losing my investment anyhow, so that does somewhat soften any potential blow.

Hopefully, the only btc that people threw into this were those that they could afford to lose. You should never gamble with money you need for living - that's basically gambling 101.

Regardless, I am of the opinion that xbox is legit, and I'm certainly not going to join the mini witchhunt and pointing the finger in this thread. Yes, xbox could probably do himself a favour by at least posting to quell everybody's fears, but I understand that life often gets in the way of things and unlike some people on this forum, myself and xbox are members of the elite having-a-job-and-a-life club Wink

Give it a few days - if you hear nothing from him by then, go ahead - freak out. In the meantime, remain civil and corteous no matter how concerned you may feel. We could all potentially benefit here and there's nothing to be gained by driving someone away who may make us all (slightly) richer!
Activity: 1578
Merit: 1000
May the coin be with you..
This doesn't look good at the moment, not really surprising though.

People were just throwing thier money at him, hopfully this is a minunderstanding or somthing and can be resolved quickly
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
RavinTavin from MyFreeCams
TradeFortress is a pretty interesting dude, had a good chat with him.
hero member
Activity: 700
Merit: 500
Doesn't seem like a scam because why scam when there are still people willing to invest... The scam comes when you pick a few losers and then people want to bail out... Not worried yet. Let's stop bashing the guy and give him a chance Smiley its only been a few hours and people complaining with less than 20 posts....

People are willing to invest because the accusations are just now coming out, and people don't know better. This is unfortunately common it bitcoin.

One of the people accusing him engaged in an honest and smooth trade with me yesterday. I hate to see people who trade honestly and smoothly get fucked because they aren't jaded enough to be versed in the finer points of making the scammer get caught when they scam.

I do have to say though atruk I do like your ripple is a scam post hahaha Wink

You can thank TradeFortress for that. I had a smaller link to that post of his, but then he had that offer to compensate for signature links. I figured I might as well take compensation from a link I'd have in my signature anyway.
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
RavinTavin from MyFreeCams
 All it takes is one woman to fuck up a whole evening of computers Smiley this maybe the case. Going to bed I feel fine about it though, see you pervs and the payout in the morning  Cheesy
hero member
Activity: 980
Merit: 502
Doesn't seem like a scam because why scam when there are still people willing to invest... The scam comes when you pick a few losers and then people want to bail out... Not worried yet. Let's stop bashing the guy and give him a chance Smiley its only been a few hours and people complaining with less than 20 posts....

People are willing to invest because the accusations are just now coming out, and people don't know better. This is unfortunately common it bitcoin.

One of the people accusing him engaged in an honest and smooth trade with me yesterday. I hate to see people who trade honestly and smoothly get fucked because they aren't jaded enough to be versed in the finer points of making the scammer get caught when they scam.

I do have to say though atruk I do like your ripple is a scam post hahaha Wink
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1000
Doesn't seem like a scam because why scam when there are still people willing to invest... The scam comes when you pick a few losers and then people want to bail out... Not worried yet. Let's stop bashing the guy and give him a chance Smiley its only been a few hours and people complaining with less than 20 posts....

I bought BTC from xboxgames. PAID but never received them. This has NOTHING to do with this thread or his sports picks. I'm just warning people.

If it does turn out to be a scam, and i'm not saying it is since it hasn't even been a full 24 hours and their could be a legit reason in the delay. Then it's completely my fault. I sent him a moneypak without escrow, trusting he would send me the bitcoins. I NEVER do this but today I was in a rush and took a chance.

But cmon, he said he was ready to do the transfer. Then he kept telling me a couple of minutes, couple of minutes and nothing after 10+ hours. Now RavinTavin, you posted you sent him 5 BTC. You posted this AFTER I sent xboxgames the moneypak. So he can accept BTC, places bets using BTC but can't send me the coins? What am I suppose to think? and then ostr1234 comes forward and basically says the same thing happened to him and he has been waiting 2 days?

so once again, this has NOTHING to do with this thread. I just wanted to give people a heads up. My fault for not using escrow, I know. Lesson learned.

If I do happen to get the BTC, I'll delete my posts and apologize.

I have to finish up some more work and then I will take and post screenshots of the private messages sent back and forth.
hero member
Activity: 700
Merit: 500
Doesn't seem like a scam because why scam when there are still people willing to invest... The scam comes when you pick a few losers and then people want to bail out... Not worried yet. Let's stop bashing the guy and give him a chance Smiley its only been a few hours and people complaining with less than 20 posts....

People are willing to invest because the accusations are just now coming out, and people don't know better. This is unfortunately common it bitcoin.

One of the people accusing him engaged in an honest and smooth trade with me yesterday. I hate to see people who trade honestly and smoothly get fucked because they aren't jaded enough to be versed in the finer points of making the scammer get caught when they scam.
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
RavinTavin from MyFreeCams
Any one want to make a bet I get paid out for todays winnings Smiley jk but I would rather be invested here than BFL Cheesy
hero member
Activity: 980
Merit: 502
No worries, just pick the best you can. If you lose it, it happens. Just do your best and be honest

yup i hated having to post the 1-4-1 though today but when you go to my thread you can see every single pick no lying  from me Smiley
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
RavinTavin from MyFreeCams
No worries, just pick the best you can. If you lose it, it happens. Just do your best and be honest
hero member
Activity: 980
Merit: 502
Doesn't seem like a scam because why scam when there are still people willing to invest... The scam comes when you pick a few losers and then people want to bail out... Not worried yet. Let's stop bashing the guy and give him a chance Smiley its only been a few hours and people complaining with less than 20 posts....

lol ya i am not picking so hot right now ravin hopefully we can turn it around Smiley
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