The block was found 20 seconds. After the previous block.
Since 10 minutes is normal time 600 to 20 = 30 to 1
30 x 43kb = about 1.3 mb
Since 1 mb is top size and 1/30 of it is 33.3kb.
So a 20 second block should be 33.3kb.
So Kano had a large block with 43 kb once time is factored in
Of course, and if any block will be found in 5 min after the previous one, it would be at .65 MB? It can't be true.
I gave a simple version. Since actual transactions can be slower or faster then 1mb/600 sec.
I just did an average. It is more complicated .
But I could explain it better in a pm if you like.
Short answer is max transactions cap around 700000 per day
Actual trans actions are around 280000 per day.
Smallest transaction size is 225 need to check that
Also average rate can speed up or down.
Let me leave this iPad
Strike all of the above....
think of a block like a subway train.
so a train comes late more people on the platform (waiting transactions) the train fills up. lot more transactions.
so a new train comes early platform has not had a chance to fill up less transactions.
other factors are it is rush hour and the platform fills faster. this can do a few things in the bitcoinworld. you may need a big fee or have to wait for the next few trains.
another factor big transaction vs little transaction. or 600 pound men vs 70 pound girls.
suppose a lot of girl scouts get on a platform that would be a small size transaction
this is a girl scout size if the platform is full of and over eaters that tried out for is a giant 600 pound man transaction. block 20 second after f2 block Height 438455 Blocks at depth 438455 in the bitcoin blockchain
Height 438455 (Main chain)
Hash 000000000000000003a4e97a13d2cf360fe144f5ff4dfe25d99cedb93f2375cf
Previous Block 0000000000000000016fe906f4a3f77e97ecf986d2316c53c647fbddde654b8c
Next Blocks 0000000000000000035370512f1f32e3476339402e29895060c319d0c6d710b9
Time 2016-11-11 21:45:19
Difficulty 254,620,187,304.06
Bits 402936180
Number Of Transactions 137
Output Total 278.61036349 BTC
Estimated Transaction Volume 53.31577629 BTC
Size 43.522 KB
Version 536870912
Merkle Root 357fa96f70ff3d63ab145b47507b1d7a5802a42704acf2713110615bc98b07b0
Nonce 1060860658
Block Reward 12.5 BTC
Transaction Fees 0.01290044 BTC
now it did 137 transactions size of that was 43.522 kb or 318 bytes each bigger the the smallest size of 225 but no huge man or a whale size one