Kano's going to have his hands full getting all of these payouts done!
Here is just a thought. The barrier to entry in bitcoin mining is basically affordable to all, the barrier to profitability is not. Let's not kid ourselves, your not buying 7, 8 ,900 dollar rigs just as a hobby but you do it to make money which will afford you a hobby. All this being said i see the big Chinese mine with a no prisoner taken alive mentality as it should be in business. I see everyone complain but who cares, we will not be able to beat them, at least we can get this pool up to a level where maybe we can suck a extra 10 blocks a day from these guys. I went to a few pools over the months and settled on this one since after reading the forum each day users and owners seem actually nice to each other and no flaming, the owners are actually in the forum and answer peoples questions.
My proposal to you Ck is,
RAID THE COMPETITION. I do not know what your profit margins are but maybe its time for a 3 month loss leader and in the end if it works you will more than make up for it. This pool runs 30 to 36ph usually from what i have seen the last few months.
1)Some type of increase payment to the miners if the pool has a avg rate of 40PH but it only kicks in after 2 or 3 weeks you know the best time frame for this, then the next goal is 45 then 50, your the best to decide the increase whether it be by 10 or 5. Make it a 3 month give away up to the halving. Let be known and let it be loud. People will come since your stats match up and are way better than most. I am positive you can slag off from Slush and all the others except the chinese but who cares.
2) If you can slag 15 to 20ph from everyone else you are set for the halving because if the people switch they will see this pool is profitable and wont go back and (not to sound to cutthroat) the other pools will be decimated and might close shop and that leaves you standing with the remaining people switching to you.
Either way you have nothing to lose since if the PH falls below the goals there is no increased payouts.
We will be pointing all our new miners here.
I believe in this pool so hopefully we can get the word out since there is gain for all.