Remember when there was an anomalous miner on slush's pool, he allowed 10PH of worthless mining for over a month and kept paying them for it and then proudly announced he had developed 'provably fair mining' to prevent it ever happening again, but had already been paying 10Ph worth of payouts to them for a month, and never returned the rewards paid to that miner to compensate the rest of the miners. Let's just say we don't want to see that happening here before you complain about a block payout being delayed.
I agree! let Kano do what he does
That is REALLY ff'ed up, 10PH for a month.
That, combined with a total lack of communication from "The Captain", was the final straw for me at slush. I had been mining there since January 2014.
I joined about 3 weeks ago and haven't looked back. I really appreciate the constant communication and updates Kano and -ck provide.
I missed this. I do recall hearing about some extraordinary bad luck at slush not that long ago so I am guessing this is the same thing. So was it a block withholding attack or did someone figure out another way to game the pool?
Quoting Slush's facebook post on Feb 6. about it:
"Dear miners, we would like to inform you that we have detected and resolved an unintentional block withholding
The issue has been discovered a week ago and we have immediately taken an action by contacting the particular miner. The cause turned out to be a bug in a custom mining firmware, which has been promptly fixed by the miner. We have no indication that there was any bad intention. The fixed firmware solved two blocks since then so we can consider this issue as resolved.
A recent time period of worse luck can be at least partly attributed to this incident.
Block withholding attack is a well-known weakness of the whole pool mining principle and no public pool is immune against it.
As a by-product of the bad luck investigation, we have implemented a new method how to mathematically prove that the pool does not cheat on miners. This feature will be released after the public interface has been tweaked. The release is planned towards the end of next week."
End Quote
He said it was a week, but people had been asking about poor luck at the pool since early December. The end result was that the miner did not repay the pool, and the "bad luck" still to continued. With no further comment from him on it. The only "news" was the pool's new interface.
I've sat through bad luck streaks before and kept silent, cuz hey, they happen. I worked in the casino business for 20 years. But with no answers/comments coming from slush and combine it with orphan block debacle that seemed to just drag on, I started looking for a new place to mine.
I landed here at and have been very happy with the transparency of the pool operator and the community overall.