I'll be implementing unwanted events and access limitations in ckdb code today or tomorrow.
(that's what I've been working on over the last week or so)
Basically, failure events or excessive access events will trigger 2 things:
firstly to simply reply without any data requested, for all requests, for a specific amount of time, after any event limit is exceeded
and secondly to temporarily (hours or days) ban IP addresses that exceed certain event limits that I deem require an IP ban
In the past I've done most of this 'somewhat' manually.
This will completely automate the process.
The code is not in git yet, since I'm still making code adjustments, but it will all be there, but without showing the limits I'll use, since that will be, of course, data in the database, not fixed limits in the code.
The design is very much 'guilty until proven innocent'
There's no issue with the web site at the moment, though about once a week someone tries to hack into it and always fails (and always will fail)
There's also been a few 'annoying' attacks at the web site (that also will always fail) that this will stop dead in their tracks as soon as they start.
Web hit rate is over 400k a day, and that isn't using up much CPU at all since ckdb is very fast at getting the data and the web design is very quick and returns a tiny amount of web data to produce the web page.
I'd expect there to be no problem to even have a hit rate 10 times that a day, since the current doesn't even show a blip on the CPU usage.
... yet, the data you get from the web site is always the current live data to the second