Thanks Hurricanedave.. Seems you have some lucky machines:) Much appreciated!!
Best Regards
I want to know what rigs he is using? What diff he has set manually on particular rigs, if any? etc. All of us could share these type of things with one another to possibly increase our odds of maybe finding more blocks as a pool.
Im not sure if there is anything to this and im sure kano will shed some light on this. But here is what i was thinking.. if you have a pool server that is capable of handling a vast amount of shares per second.> Wouldnt it be advantageous to send the miners more shares per second with each one of them having an equal chance of finding a block.. So i guess what im trying to say is if you send s4 diff 2000 shares and it can send one share a second.. vs sending your rig 1k diff shares at 2 per second.. Wouldnt that give the machine a twice as much chance at finding a block.. Im prolly way off on my thinking here. what you all think?
Best Regards