The sidewinder was busy overnight - new-found block this morning!
Promotion Team News: is up. It's just sitting there, but it's available to view.
You can use the Contact Us link on the site, or PM me with comments and suggestions for Your other Kano Pool web portal.
The 420-on-4/20 (420GH/s on April 20) giveaway is completed. Ze777 actually received approximately 30 hours @ ~430 GH/s.
They seem happy with the results, and I'm happy with it.
WARNING: this giveaway could strike again any time that it is 4:20 somewhere.
Going forward, this will be the 420/4:20 Giveaway. That's 420 GH/s, applied to your Kano Pool User Name or mining payout address (if you mine to a wallet instead of a User Name), for 24 hours, starting at ~ 4:20 (time zone will vary).
Make sure that you are Watching the Kano Pool thread ( (click the 'Watch' link at the top or bottom of the thread page). Make sure you are getting notified of everything happening on Kano Pool's thread by clicking the 'Notify' link at the top or bottom the thread page.
The 1TH-4-5ND Giveaway run, Round Two, is about 20% complete. zkirsic is watching shares being added to his account at this very moment.
If you enter the next Round, this could be YOU!
The entry window for Round Three of the 1TH-4-5Nd Giveaway will be announced in three or four days (it depends on your time zone).
Watch this thread for your chance to Enter & Win!
Billy is still chipping away at the hole in the back wall of the cubbyhole. Progress is slow, but Billy is determined.
Igor has been in a very good mood since looking through to the other side of the hole. In a way, this is concerning. He's never been known to be terribly gloomy, but he's never been this ... gleeful before. Just what did he see in there?
I'm going down to the beach ... see if any more mail has come in.
Until next time,