How is the "Expected Block Found" calculated in the Kano mining pool monthly statistics, future blocks? How is this projected? Kano pool projects 1.4 expected blocks in March. Most months in the past 12 months have projected 40-60 expected blocks. Why is it so much lower now in March. Also, where can I get more information defining the other columns in the "Monthly Statistics" graph on the Kano mining pool: Mean Diff%, Mean Tx%, CDF [Erl], Luck %, PAPPS%, etc.
Here are some of the items:
Mean TX% = Average Transaction Fees over the found blocks in the month listed
CDF = Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) shows the probability that a block will be found after a given number of submitted shares. The faster the block is the smaller that number gets...
Luck% = Our luck. 100% is expected, higher is better luck and lower is worse luck.
PAPPS = Pool Average PPS%: MeanTx% * Luck% - Pool Fee (compares us to a PPS Pool)
Mean Diff% = is the Average Share Difficulty the pool submitted in the found blocks; the smaller the better. I think this is right; help me out on this one folks
Erl = Erlang distribution (this is worth looking up with Google)
CDF[Erl] = the CDF of the Erlang distribution of the range of blocks for the given mean.