day 1 pool 1 gets block day 2 pool 2 on down the line till pool 5 we will call that our pool . most (the other 4 pool) using the similar pay system payout WHEN they get a block with the blocks reward they do this buy looking at how much each member worked during the day and turning that into a % that compares with the rest of the workers in the pool. they are payed a % of the block = to their %. in the kano pool its the same accept we look back 5 days instead of 1 to find each workers % again u get the % according to your %. after 5 days u will get the same block payout as all the other pools (accept they have higher fees generally which makes the block smaller). the difference is it takes a whole 5 days instead of 1 to get your full % the up side if u quit or are down for 5 days u are still getting though a diminishing return as the days go by.
so bottom line kano pool pays bests over the long term due to lower fees. this system is good because if u have break downs or gaps they wont be noticed as much but the real purpose is to stop those who pool hop (try to only work for the pool that is paying on a specific day) there goal being to get payed everyday instead of once per five days. now there is no point in pool hoppers showing up here because they wont be able to take there money and run to the next pool cause we dont pay them jst for punching in on payday.
howd i do padrinogtr i dont think i qualify for the contest anyway but id like to know if i helped though i haven't seen yer name here in awhile:D.
No offense, but I think you're actually adding unnecessary stuff to the equation.
Also, your premises are flawed
- # of pools mining and number of miners mining has no impact on anything. Only global hashrate and network difficulty (which is adjusted approximately every 2 weeks based on global hashrate) make any difference.
- in your example, those are still PPLNS payout methods if all blocks take 1 day. If that's not what you had in mind, then what you're describing is maybe "PPLND" or proportional method with rounds equal to 1 day time frame.
- All else being equal, on a long enough time scale, the ONLY thing that makes one pool pay more than others is a lower pool fee.
- re: pool hopping, you need to read organofcorti's write up here: and here:
I'm not even sure what sort of questions you're asking anymore. Or what sort of explanation you're looking for.
we r trying to simplify things for padrinogtr so i took all the complicated bits that may help calculate your exact pay but not understand the system out. feel free to go back a few days and read the difficulties he was having and understand his learning curve then make your own attempt. and no this is not in detail all that happens but i believe as an example with the rules described it helps understanding a bit. also if yer looking to win the contest he has said he learns best with a visual representation.