I am an old miner from your website which didnt actually receive my entire payout. You guys literally owe me ~$300 in block rewards which were never sent to me. I do not understand why i never got them, these payments were from an entire year ago, but it makes me furious to know i have literally 0.1 in BTC just sitting there with no way of accessing it.
What can i do? How do i get my payments? Is this just how PPLNS works? cause i view this site as a scam. Do i have to start mining again and hopefully my existing rewards will trickle out?
Why havent i been paid for the work i didhttps://i.imgur.com/cA3nmCM.pngYou were paid.
That image is 2016 - look at the block numbers - 392662 to 406458, but you also received payouts up to block 406663.
You mined from Jan-2016 to Apr-2016, then never again on your account that has those rewards.
You were paid for all those that weren't dust back then.
There were only 2 dust rewards not sent 406221 and 406226.
I'm not sure why you posted this at all - but if you wish to continue making false accusations, I can post blocktrail links showing the payout addresses you were sent the payouts to and that will show all those amounts, except for the 2 dust rewards, were sent to your 2 addresses.
You set the first address on 2016-01-10 10:43:55 UTC, before we found block 392662 at 2016-10-01 14:35 UTC, which was your first reward.
34 payouts were sent to that address - block 392662 to block 394735.
You set the second address on 2016-04-07 18:35:20 UTC, and got 11 of the last 13 payouts sent to that (2 were dust)
Again today you changed to a 3rd address that will not get any payouts until you start mining again, which you've not done for about 1.5 years.