it looks like dcr is short.. the name is red.. this means you wont get paid out until more blocks are found.
Ok where is the name shown in red? I am confused about this as I did not see a red font for the coin except the word hot.. And is that why payouts should be in BTC and not Decred?
Balance 0.94941553 DCR
Total Unpaid **** 0.94941553 DCR (Why is this lower than the cleared?)
Total Paid *** 0.00000000 DCR
Total Earned 0.94941553 DCR
But the cleared shows more.
Last 50 Earnings: DsTCsvgwxveiMEYBEBK7pAAojtekY8oE5af
Name Amount Percent mBTC Time Status
Decred (decred) 0.795311 DCR 4.155% 5.23140 24h ago Cleared
Decred (decred) 0.478900 DCR 2.342% 3.15011 25h ago Cleared
I am just really confused on why mine on a pool that you may not get paid on for a long time? Yet it seems to be one of the larger Decred pools.