
Topic: ▂▃▅▆▇⫷[ 🆉🅿🅾🅾🅻.🅲🅰 ]⫸⫷[!KAWPOW!]⫸⫷[ the miners multipool ]⫸ ▇▆▅▃▂ - page 99. (Read 279744 times)

full member
Activity: 135
Merit: 100
Something is very wrong with Lyra2v2 reported hashrates.  They keep falling:

I'm normally pushing around 320mh/s.  It is currently reporting 3, and has been steadily declining all afternoon.
Activity: 32
Merit: 0

No, that isn't what is going on. 

I had three rigs trying to mine lyra2v2 100% of the time.

A does 420 MH/s, B does 210 MH/s, C does 60 MH/s.

According to zpool A does 380ish, B does 75 MH/s and C does 40 MH/s.

I have verified that every single rig mines at the expected hash rate for ZEC and Ethereum on Nanopool.  I even went out and did a complete rework of my network.  There was no difference as far as mining goes, though I went from 70 ms ping to 20 ms ping and 2 Mbits up/down to 100 Mbits up/down.

Must be a problem with ZPool, right?  I switched rig B to miningpoolhub and it was not any better.  So it doesn't really seem to be a problem with ZPool.  Why does A almost work, while B and C are garbage?  And this was over a period of two days.   I have since moved over to mining ZEC on nanapool and they have been rock solid.  I still have rig A on zpool since it was making very good money.

Perhaps something is just odd with lyra2v2?  I have been thinking about joining a straight monacoin mining pool to see if there is a difference.

Of course, I haven't been able to connect to zpool lyra2v2 server for over 2 hours now...  Now all my 1080Tis are mining ZEC on nanopool.  Though I would love to switch them back.

Same here, my rig hashes around 400MH/s with Lara2RE2  and yet zpool after an hour, shows 4.7MH/s.
Don't know why or what the issue is, but it makes me feel very uncomfortable with Zpool  Especially when I can switch over and mine mone/vert directly and not have any issues with lara.
Activity: 1848
Merit: 1166
My AR-15 ID's itself as a toaster. Want breakfast?
Hello, I am interested in switching to zpool from miningpoolhub because zpool supports more coins.

It says in setup to set profitability factors in .bat file. How do I figure out the profitability factor for the rig I am using? I will be using a 1070, 1080, and 2 rx 480s for now.

Or is it fine to not set any factors in -p and leave it default?

Thanks for the help!

This post:

and this thread should be able to get you going:

How do I figure out the profitability factor for my Baikal ASIC? (X11,X13,X14,X15,Quark,Qubit)

Its the concept of making a normalized factor (not unlike a mole in chemistry) to rate them all to each other.

If you are reading in GH/S, then it would be 1,2,3,etc
On the same scale, if your algo is rated in Mh/s, it would be 0.001,0.002,0.003,etc.

My normalization for GPU walkthrough concepts can be applied to any device or algo.
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
Hello, I am interested in switching to zpool from miningpoolhub because zpool supports more coins.

It says in setup to set profitability factors in .bat file. How do I figure out the profitability factor for the rig I am using? I will be using a 1070, 1080, and 2 rx 480s for now.

Or is it fine to not set any factors in -p and leave it default?

Thanks for the help!

This post:

and this thread should be able to get you going:

How do I figure out the profitability factor for my Baikal ASIC? (X11,X13,X14,X15,Quark,Qubit)
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
For several hours, two miners work on 400 MH/s each = 800 MH/s.
Why is the graph and data on the pool much less?
No Reject.

I am guessing you are new to pool mining, but anyway this is because the miner program calculates hashrate at 100% luck but in reality this can fluctuate I have had times were the pools say they are mining 200% faster than what they really are and other times were they only show 50% but over 2-3 days it averages out to be pretty close to accurate.
No, that isn't what is going on. 

I had three rigs trying to mine lyra2v2 100% of the time.

A does 420 MH/s, B does 210 MH/s, C does 60 MH/s.

According to zpool A does 380ish, B does 75 MH/s and C does 40 MH/s.

I have verified that every single rig mines at the expected hash rate for ZEC and Ethereum on Nanopool.  I even went out and did a complete rework of my network.  There was no difference as far as mining goes, though I went from 70 ms ping to 20 ms ping and 2 Mbits up/down to 100 Mbits up/down.

Must be a problem with ZPool, right?  I switched rig B to miningpoolhub and it was not any better.  So it doesn't really seem to be a problem with ZPool.  Why does A almost work, while B and C are garbage?  And this was over a period of two days.   I have since moved over to mining ZEC on nanapool and they have been rock solid.  I still have rig A on zpool since it was making very good money.

Perhaps something is just odd with lyra2v2?  I have been thinking about joining a straight monacoin mining pool to see if there is a difference.

Of course, I haven't been able to connect to zpool lyra2v2 server for over 2 hours now...  Now all my 1080Tis are mining ZEC on nanopool.  Though I would love to switch them back.
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
For several hours, two miners work on 400 MH/s each = 800 MH/s.
Why is the graph and data on the pool much less?
No Reject.

based on the graph, ou are lucky that you hit 800 MHs for several hours.
sr. member
Activity: 450
Merit: 255
For several hours, two miners work on 400 MH/s each = 800 MH/s.
Why is the graph and data on the pool much less?
No Reject.

I am guessing you are new to pool mining, but anyway this is because the miner program calculates hashrate at 100% luck but in reality this can fluctuate I have had times were the pools say they are mining 200% faster than what they really are and other times were they only show 50% but over 2-3 days it averages out to be pretty close to accurate.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
For several hours, two miners work on 400 MH/s each = 800 MH/s.
Why is the graph and data on the pool much less?
No Reject.
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
Anyone having problems with ccminer 2.2.3?
ccminer 2.2.3 @ lyra2v2 @ 980 0 shares 20 minutes
ccminer 2.2.2 @ lyra2v2 @ 1060 lots of shares per minute

For some unknown reason xmr-stak was using GPU and not CPU... Go figure.
hero member
Activity: 677
Merit: 500
Should the d=xxx set difficulty work for equihash ?

I am using the DTSM zm miner and the server is setting difficulty to  0000ffff0000000000000000 on startup.
This does not change whatever I put in the password field for d= (tried d=10  d=128 and a couple of others.)
not really a big problem but on my gtx1070 with about 450 sols/sec it mens I only submit shares about 1 per 2 minutes
the shares are being accepted fine and the average hashrate shown by zpool is close so just for interest really.
BTW, DTSM is about 10% faster on a gtx 1070 than ccminer even after taking the dev fee into account, so worth using if you are
mining equihash.

Second question :-), How come crypronight is not on the Algo list, its prob the best use of the AMD cards ?


I've asked about the equihash difficulty before.  I am having the same problem.  At 300 sols, I'm only finding shares every 3-8 minutes.  Didn't get an answer.  Good luck.

Activity: 5
Merit: 0
Anyone having problems with ccminer 2.2.3?
ccminer 2.2.3 @ lyra2v2 @ 980 0 shares 20 minutes
ccminer 2.2.2 @ lyra2v2 @ 1060 lots of shares per minute
hero member
Activity: 714
Merit: 512
Ok thx,
let me reiterate my question, does support the Lyra2z algorithm then? ( which is what zcoin uses )

It used to be on ZPOOL but seems to have been removed... last I checked before it was removed no blocks were found for ~3 months.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0

i am quit new to mining and have setup my baikal giant for mining at Zpool.
The only he connect to is Quark or Qubit.

I tried putting the IP adres in place of the domainname but this doesn't work.

anybody suggestions?
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
I have decred, hsr and phi shares for more than 12 hours without earnings.
Because you're getting earnings only when the pool finds a new block. Which may be happening only in quite a while, for example, for Decred, there may be 1 block per week or even slower, depending on luck.

Also I noticed that the shares percentage is getting lower every few hours and still no earnings.Does anyone know what is happening with those algos?
Because you're not the only person in the pool, you know. If you're not mining on an algo - then other people do. And your share will naturally become smaller.

Thank you, I am new to pool mining and I was starting to worry.
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
I have decred, hsr and phi shares for more than 12 hours without earnings.
Because you're getting earnings only when the pool finds a new block. Which may be happening only in quite a while, for example, for Decred, there may be 1 block per week or even slower, depending on luck.

Also I noticed that the shares percentage is getting lower every few hours and still no earnings.Does anyone know what is happening with those algos?
Because you're not the only person in the pool, you know. If you're not mining on an algo - then other people do. And your share will naturally become smaller.
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
I have decred, hsr and phi shares for more than 12 hours without earnings. Also I noticed that the shares percentage is getting lower every few hours and still no earnings.Does anyone know what is happening with those algos?
Activity: 113
Merit: 10

Ugh, wtf. Not really the answer I was hoping for, but thanks for the info.

Hey crackfoo, can you please cough up a couple VIVO to properly pay the people mining for your pool that requested that currency? I saw your post here implying you have thousands of VIVO to run some master nodes:
Mining rigs aren't cheap. Electricity isn't free. You can't just put disclaimers up and withhold thousands of dollars in payments because your pool 'ran out' of whatever currency. Either let us mine it so the problem will sort itself out, or put some effort in to figure out how to pay people back and prevent this situation in the future.

I think vivo is not mining right now as there have been issues were it reboots and has to rebuild the blockchain but generally the negative balances will fix themselves in time (I know they do with LTC which goes neg from time to time).

Yeah, and if not, I'm sure it will be 'fixed' in 60 days when everyone's wallet resets to zero! LOL
I just wanted to be paid in an alt to avoid the massive BTC payout fee. Everything to do with cryptocurrency has overhead and fees attached, but a 100% loss is really painful. I lost thousands on nicehash and it drives me nuts seeing people cry about their missing $50, but here I am bitching because I lost $10. It doesn't really matter what the amount is -- if you do work, you need to be paid. I hope the admin can find a reasonable solution because that amount keeps going up (427.31749504 VIVO) and there are probably a lot of people in the same boat as myself.
sr. member
Activity: 450
Merit: 255

Ugh, wtf. Not really the answer I was hoping for, but thanks for the info.

Hey crackfoo, can you please cough up a couple VIVO to properly pay the people mining for your pool that requested that currency? I saw your post here implying you have thousands of VIVO to run some master nodes:
Mining rigs aren't cheap. Electricity isn't free. You can't just put disclaimers up and withhold thousands of dollars in payments because your pool 'ran out' of whatever currency. Either let us mine it so the problem will sort itself out, or put some effort in to figure out how to pay people back and prevent this situation in the future.

I think vivo is not mining right now as there have been issues were it reboots and has to rebuild the blockchain but generally the negative balances will fix themselves in time (I know they do with LTC which goes neg from time to time).
Activity: 113
Merit: 10
"We are short of this currency (426.66249478 VIVO). Please STOP your miners and switch to BTC until we find more VIVO blocks.
YOU are responsible if you continue to mine for VIVO dispite this warning."

That doesn't make any sense. Why can you not pay me the 2 VIVO you owe me from your stash of over 400?

what about the other people wishing to get paid out in that coin?  This is why payout in any coin other than BTC can be delayed and is subject on the pool mining them to pay you out.  It's a complex process.

I really feel for the hypothetical "other people". I hope they all continue to wait patiently and don't ask any questions about scheduling, minimum payments, why it's not even showing up as one of the neoscrypt coins right now, or why the balance continues to grow (426.96346807 VIVO). I'm pretty sure if it's actually paying people, the hundreds of VIVO coins is sufficient to do so. Then the balance will go down, and it would actually make sense to claim there's a shortage of that coin.  I thought it's supposed to exchange most of the alts for BTC anyways, so why is this pool sitting on thousands of dollars of VIVO for days?

The Key here is
"We are short of this currency (426.66249478 VIVO)."
Meaning that there are 426.66249478 that are owed out to people mining and the pool has 0.

I think a edit to the wording could make that clearer something like

We are currently short (x VIVO) Please select another currency or wait until we solve more VIVO blocks.

Ugh, wtf. Not really the answer I was hoping for, but thanks for the info.

Hey crackfoo, can you please cough up a couple VIVO to properly pay the people mining for your pool that requested that currency? I saw your post here implying you have thousands of VIVO to run some master nodes:
Mining rigs aren't cheap. Electricity isn't free. You can't just put disclaimers up and withhold thousands of dollars in payments because your pool 'ran out' of whatever currency. Either let us mine it so the problem will sort itself out, or put some effort in to figure out how to pay people back and prevent this situation in the future.
sr. member
Activity: 450
Merit: 255

Anyone else see things like that, dropping wallet balance for a time frame?

This is just a small 2 card 750 Ti rig i have running, but that doesn't make any sense to me. It seems shady af to me.

That's just a front end issue, were the frontend loses connection to the backend. Your bal will auto fix once everything catches up.
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