I beg to differ..
Countless years ago caveman noticed some birds flew together, Pigeons in two's, blackbirds may have took that to three in order to fend off groups of seagulls.. you have'nt noticed that yet? And so on.. so they learnt 1, 2, 3.. some leaves had the same amount of 'point's as a man had fingers, whilst other's cut open others to see how they worked, and discovered they all had 7 vital organs, and looked at the stars and noticed that there were 7 internal stars that moved slightly quicker than the countless others..
They learnt ages of trees, by the rings, how many dark nights before the next 'lit' nights as the moon waxed and waned..
Yeah man made maths.. so how come every frequency that has existed since before this planet was born can still be found on it's numerical position in the entire spectrum? Oh, I forgot, man made everything.. haha..
I suppose man made the fact that the sun and the moon appear the same size because one is 400 times smaller, whilst being 400 times closer to us? I guess man made that mathematical fact too huh?
Take a monthly bill. Can you count? You know there are 12 months in the year, but pay 13 bills a year. Most people never question the legality of this fact. What you cant count is the fact that this is to bring YOUR wages into sync with the womans periodic cycle, which incidently, is paid around the start of each full moon.
All in time with nature. Where it came from.
using 1 + 1 = 2 to demonstrate maths is just plain, basic, stupid, and shows your ability to understand the point here.
your math is just an observation based on your level of knowledge.
those that think they are very knowledgeable also pretend to be so. you listen to them when they teach or preach because you are told they are smarter than you and you believe them.
the human race is actually quite dumb, proof of that is its inability to find equilibrium with the earth. ohh and war. i forgot war.
you see one glass of water. or maybe two.. but some see h2o, some see atoms, some guess that there are electrons orbiting and guess the orbits, dig deeper and you find protons and neutrons, now some are discussing the possibility of seeing matter and antimatter.
this is all math and it is all very basic. it is all a created observation to try and explain why and how the world works to make us feel, i repeat feel, secure.
before we had the math model or orbits and stars and planets, we said that the sun god rah brought the sun out in the morning so we wouldn't be afraid it wouldn't come back.
i don't think anyone believes in rah anymore, since there is no longer a need, but yet still we believe in all the other gods.
stupidity needs explanations. this sums up my sense of religion and your understanding of it.