
Topic: Key Points about the Jewish religion - page 5. (Read 4239 times)

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August 11, 2014, 09:30:54 AM
1.) G-d created Humans in his image. Man and Woman, He created them. That means, as G-d has freewill, Humans have freewill. It does not mean G-d has a body. G-d has no body.

2.) G-d is neither male nor female. G-d is a spirit entity. G-d has no body. G-d is spirit.

3.) In the Jewish religion, the World to Come is not in Heaven but will be here on Earth. People will be brought back to life in their physical bodies and be judged by G-d. Those deemed worthy will have eternal life here on Earth. Heaven and Hell is only temporary for now until G-d restores some type of Garden of Eden here on Earth, known as Olam Haba, the World to Come.

4.) The Snake in the Garden of Eden is symbolism for the baseness of Human Nature. It is a symbol of the lowest part of human nature which we should struggle to avoid and overcome and get ourselves closer to G-d in understanding by fulfilling his laws.

5.) Satan is an agent of G-d. He is not an enemy of G-d. G-d cannot have a battle in Heaven as he is Supreme. No one is higher than Him. Satan is thus used to tempt people as a test of those people's loyalty to G-d.

6.) G-d cannot have a son. If He does, then that limits Him. G-d is infinite and cannot limit Himself.

7.) Jews cannot have tattoos or eat pork. Pig is an unclean animal and G-d commands you to not make markings on your body.

8.) All the positive prophecies in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) will come true. The negative ones, like war and famine, are only warnings. So G-d stacks the deck in our favor. If we are righteous and holy people here on Earth, then the good prophecies will come true and the bad ones will not. If we are sinful and wicked, then bad prophecies like the War of Gog and Magog may very well come true.

9.) The Messiah will be a normal human. He will be born of a mother and father and will be a great Torah scholar and military leader.

Wow.. Let's try this?

The sooner every jew lovin mason is dead the sooner there will indeed be heaven on earth, without that sad tetragtrammaton aka JaBaalOn (ZeBoulon anyone?)destroying countries and lives for their own stupid beliefs.. behind every war in the last 2 centuries there are jew/masonic lovin hands.. behind every death in the last 2 centuries is a jewish/masonic hand, behind every death in palestine there is a mouth that will never say GOD, because they are afraid of him.. behind ukraine is the american jews who just cant stop killing, behind every misery on earth is a fuckin mason. See, God is the light, and the son behind the son for the true initiate of the mysteries knows full well is the moon, reflecting TOMORROWS light TONIGHT.. see all those funny handshakes? Spot the mason.. see all them ties? Choke them with them.. See those military uniforms that pretend they oppose each other? Planned division. Look at palestine. Look at ukraine.. hitler was right, and he tried to stop it.. not.. he was a mason too.. sorry, should that be rosicrucian? Since rosicrusianism is nothing more than the 18th degree of freemasonry.. Shall I half the password? The first initiation recorded in the giza pyramid was over 64 thousand years ago under the guise of mithraism, which incidently sacrificed children just as the cowardly american/british governments do today. NO? Would you like me to type the path to the word? Would you like to see the actual mathematical proof that the 216 digit word they are seeking is staring everyone in the face? The REAL jewish problem is they are too evil to use the word, for malicious use of this word can and will never be, this is why they cannot pronounce it, they cannot and never will see the light that shines on those who know full well the word is but a word in the light of the fire within, a light that you have never seen, because you CANNOT see your own light reflected, no matter how many mirrors you make and hence cannot have use of the word. You are JEW..

Keep lookin for Hiram Abiff's word, sorry, should that be Jesus's word? and maybe you can pronounce it too..

Regarding this matter I have reckoned the number of the beast, know full well that a true circle has 370 degrees, 1 of which is = to 72 days, x the height of the pyramid (48 hours being 2 days) aka 144, that very same number those jewish fucks think will survive.. well, sorry to burst their bubble, but whilst I cannot detail the facts here, that 2 degree section of sky, or the 144 days it takes for the sun to traverse said space is nothing more than where time becomes a loop.. fuckin idiots.. cant wait until the rest of the world wakes up and gets rid of those child killin twats.. please forgive my ENGLISH language, but I am not responsible for the words coming out here, that responsibility lays with the idiots who force fed me this alien language since the day I was born..

Ja is to Y as He(sus) is to the Son of GOD as Ja is = to Jaweh, BAAl is the canonite Devil, with On being the star of bi-eth-lie-hem (remixed spelling, not wrong) um.. bethlehem, lesser known as the DOG star Sirius, Found in the constellation CANIS MAJOR the problem being, instead of the three stars of Orions belt following Sirius (found on the chest of the DOG star), they are now being chased by this stoopid DOG. Everything is in reverse.. As above, So Below, As Within, So Without, On Earth as it is in Heaven, and the Sphinx is a DOG, but then..

Apologies for stating the truth they try to hide, and if I've offended any jews take note.. look at palestine.. remember it.. for that is the final straw for the rest of the world as they prepare to sweep the land and send freemasonry back to the 13th century.. bunch o fags..
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
August 11, 2014, 09:15:08 AM
could you type ged or gid or gud instead ?

what about g-man or the big g-man or big "g"

or just "g" or gd or g'd

g-d is abbreviating god, which literally means to treat Him lightly and not fully

is it better to go with geedashdee as less abbreviated and more phonetic ?

if god was a woman all abundant and fruitful with a trunk of junk and big boobs, maybe call her gg or dd ?

if one boob was bigger than the other, then call her g-d ?

as I don't intend to delete stuff written about god like the various bibles, it is best to use all His full names ...

Jah, Lord, Allah, Yahweh, Jehovah, almighty, maker, master, creator, father, mother!

as there are plenty of lords and masters knocking about also loads of fathers and mothers, to be sure ..

lord almighty

now if you end up doing something like l-a, its kinda making light of the old fella ?
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
August 11, 2014, 09:06:17 AM

It is done so that G-d's name is not desecrated. If I delete this thread, then I desecrate G-d's name by essentially deleting His name. That is why I do it; for the religious thread.

If I make a thread about why I am secular, then I will write G-d out. But for purposes of explaining religion, I will write G-d.

God is not Yahweh's name so don't worry.. there is no Hebrew or Jewish text which mentions God as being the name of the Hebrew god. he/she wont get angry at you.
If you use violence or commit some other shameful act (like land stealing) against someone using god's name then he/she might get angry...

here is another interesting factoid.... God is cognate with Good (they both share the same linguistic origin).. so if you think using the word "God" is bad then you should also not use word "Good"

speaking of stealing land.. this is what orthodox Judaism has to say about stealing...

"Parshat Mishpatim outlines many of the laws regulating liability for causing harm to a person or his property. Our passage describes the punishment for theft. In general, a person who steals must pay back to the victim twofold the value of the stolen object. In other words, in addition to making restitution, the thief must make a further payment equal to the value of the stolen object."

I think this is a Key point about the Jewish religion that many Israeli settlers ignore and this is why I am against the Israeli Settler movement.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
August 11, 2014, 08:57:21 AM
It makes sense for a Messiah to come. When G-d reveals Himself, Israel would need to have a King. That is how it was in the Biblical days. Moshiach means "anointed one". One who is anointed with oil. The King of Israel, basically.

I doubt there will be many observant Jews left when the Jewish messiah comes. the new religion in Isreal is secular Zionism and its growing fast.
I hope that Abraham's children in middle east can see sense and start to respect each other before they bring on the next Sodom and Gomorrah.
I am actually secular. I made this thread to explain the Jewish religion. I am not religious at all.

To be the Messiah, according to Judaism, one would have to reunite the Jews back to Israel. He would have to be a Torah scholar and a great military leader. And he would bring the Jews back to studying Judaism and getting closer to G-d. Jews would want to get closer to G-d when the Messiah comes.
If you're not religious, why do you keep typing G-d? How does g-d make it easier to explain tradition than god?
It is done so that G-d's name is not desecrated. If I delete this thread, then I desecrate G-d's name by essentially deleting His name. That is why I do it; for the religious thread.

If I make a thread about why I am secular, then I will write G-d out. But for purposes of explaining religion, I will write G-d.
So you're not religious but you are being careful not to desecrate god's name?Actually ignore think typing god then deleting it desecrates god? Yeah, you're religious. You may know in your head that it's stupid, but the rest of you believes in a sky fairy.
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
August 11, 2014, 08:52:43 AM
It makes sense for a Messiah to come. When G-d reveals Himself, Israel would need to have a King. That is how it was in the Biblical days. Moshiach means "anointed one". One who is anointed with oil. The King of Israel, basically.

I doubt there will be many observant Jews left when the Jewish messiah comes. the new religion in Isreal is secular Zionism and its growing fast.
I hope that Abraham's children in middle east can see sense and start to respect each other before they bring on the next Sodom and Gomorrah.
I am actually secular. I made this thread to explain the Jewish religion. I am not religious at all.

To be the Messiah, according to Judaism, one would have to reunite the Jews back to Israel. He would have to be a Torah scholar and a great military leader. And he would bring the Jews back to studying Judaism and getting closer to G-d. Jews would want to get closer to G-d when the Messiah comes.
If you're not religious, why do you keep typing G-d? How does g-d make it easier to explain tradition than god?
It is done so that G-d's name is not desecrated. If I delete this thread, then I desecrate G-d's name by essentially deleting His name. That is why I do it; for the religious thread.

If I make a thread about why I am secular, then I will write G-d out. But for purposes of explaining religion, I will write G-d.
sr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
August 11, 2014, 08:49:02 AM
It makes sense for a Messiah to come. When G-d reveals Himself, Israel would need to have a King. That is how it was in the Biblical days. Moshiach means "anointed one". One who is anointed with oil. The King of Israel, basically.

I doubt there will be many observant Jews left when the Jewish messiah comes. the new religion in Isreal is secular Zionism and its growing fast.
I hope that Abraham's children in middle east can see sense and start to respect each other before they bring on the next Sodom and Gomorrah.
I am actually secular. I made this thread to explain the Jewish religion. I am not religious at all.

To be the Messiah, according to Judaism, one would have to reunite the Jews back to Israel. He would have to be a Torah scholar and a great military leader. And he would bring the Jews back to studying Judaism and getting closer to G-d. Jews would want to get closer to G-d when the Messiah comes.
If you're not religious, why do you keep typing G-d? How does g-d make it easier to explain tradition than god?
sr. member
Activity: 994
Merit: 441
August 11, 2014, 08:46:25 AM

Mashiach: The Messiah

When Will the Mashiach Come?

There are a wide variety of opinions on the subject of when the mashiach will come. Some of Judaism's greatest minds have cursed those who try to predict the time of the mashiach's coming, because errors in such predictions could cause people to lose faith in the messianic idea or in Judaism itself. This actually happened in the 17th century, when Shabbatai Tzvi claimed to be the mashiach. When Tzvi converted to Islam under threat of death, many Jews converted with him. Nevertheless, this prohibition has not stopped anyone from speculating about the time when the mashiach will come.

Although some scholars believed that G-d has set aside a specific date for the coming of the mashiach, most authority suggests that the conduct of mankind will determine the time of the mashiach's coming. In general, it is believed that the mashiach will come in a time when he is most needed (because the world is so sinful), or in a time when he is most deserved (because the world is so good). For example, each of the following has been suggested as the time when the mashiach will come:

*if Israel repented a single day;
*if Israel observed a single Shabbat properly;
*if Israel observed two Shabbats in a row properly;
*in a generation that is totally innocent or totally guilty;
*in a generation that loses hope;
*in a generation where children are totally disrespectful towards their parents and elders;

What Will the Mashiach Do?

Before the time of the mashiach, there shall be war and suffering (Ezekiel 38:16)

The mashiach will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10; 42:1). He will rebuild the Temple and re-establish its worship (Jeremiah 33:18). He will restore the religious court system of Israel and establish Jewish law as the law of the land (Jeremiah 33:15).
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
August 11, 2014, 08:40:24 AM
It makes sense for a Messiah to come. When G-d reveals Himself, Israel would need to have a King. That is how it was in the Biblical days. Moshiach means "anointed one". One who is anointed with oil. The King of Israel, basically.

I doubt there will be many observant Jews left when the Jewish messiah comes. the new religion in Isreal is secular Zionism and its growing fast.
I hope that Abraham's children in middle east can see sense and start to respect each other before they bring on the next Sodom and Gomorrah.
I am actually secular. I made this thread to explain the Jewish religion. I am not religious at all.

To be the Messiah, according to Judaism, one would have to reunite the Jews back to Israel. He would have to be a Torah scholar and a great military leader. And he would bring the Jews back to studying Judaism and getting closer to G-d. Jews would want to get closer to G-d when the Messiah comes.
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
August 11, 2014, 08:28:43 AM
It makes sense for a Messiah to come. When G-d reveals Himself, Israel would need to have a King. That is how it was in the Biblical days. Moshiach means "anointed one". One who is anointed with oil. The King of Israel, basically.

I doubt there will be many observant Jews left when the Jewish messiah comes. the new religion in Isreal is secular Zionism and its growing fast.
I hope that Abraham's children in middle east can see sense and start to respect each other before they bring on the next Sodom and Gomorrah.
sr. member
Activity: 994
Merit: 441
August 11, 2014, 08:27:50 AM
It makes sense for a Messiah to come. When G-d reveals Himself, Israel would need to have a King. That is how it was in the Biblical days. Moshiach means "anointed one". One who is anointed with oil. The King of Israel, basically.
It makes sense to YOU. Like all religious people think their shit makes sense to them.What would a person have to do, in your opinion, to be declared THE messiah?
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
August 11, 2014, 08:21:31 AM
It makes sense for a Messiah to come. When G-d reveals Himself, Israel would need to have a King. That is how it was in the Biblical days. Moshiach means "anointed one". One who is anointed with oil. The King of Israel, basically.
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
August 11, 2014, 08:15:26 AM

Hastening the Coming of Mashiach
By J. Immanuel Schochet

There are a number of ways conducive to hasten the Messianic redemption prior to its final date. Generally speaking these involve the observance of some special mitzvot which constitute comprehensive principles of the Torah.

A. Special Mitzvot

Teshuvah: First and foremost among these mitzvot is the principle of teshuvah. “When you return unto G-d, your G-d, and will listen to His voice… G-d, your G-d, will return your captivity and have compassion upon you, and He will restore and gather you from all the nations to which G-d, your G-d, has dispersed you…” (Deuteronomy 30:2ff.) Teshuvah will bring about an immediate redemption, “Today, if you will listen to His voice.” (Psalms 95:7)1

“Watchman (i.e., G-d), what will be of the night (i.e., the galut)? Said the Watchman: ‘Morning (i.e., the redemption) has come, and also night (i.e., retribution for the heathens and oppressors of Israel); if you will request, request. Return and come!” (Isaiah 21:11-12) G-d says that He is ready, indeed anxious, to make the ‘morning’ shine for us. Upon Israel’s question ‘when?,’ the Divine response is: “Whenever you want, He wants! If you want to make your request to hasten the end, request!” What then is deterring the redemption? The lack of teshuvah; thus “Return and come!”2

Teshuvah, the comprehensive principle of submission to G-d and His will, thus is the most obvious means to bring about the immediate coming of Mashiach.3 It does not require any extraordinary action or undertaking: the simple though sincere thought of regretting misdeeds with determination to better our ways is already complete teshuvah.4

Shabbat: If Israel will keep just one Shabbat properly, Mashiach will come immediately.5

Torah-study: “Torah-study is equivalent to all [the mitzvot].” (Pe’ah 1:1) By virtue of Torah they will return to the Holy Land and be gathered in from the exile.6 Israel shall be redeemed by virtue of ten people sitting one with the other, each of them studying with the other.7

Especially significant in this context is the study of pnimiyut Hatorah, the mystical dimension of the Torah: “In the merit thereof ‘You shall proclaim liberty throughout the land’ (Leviticus 25:10).”8

Tzedakah, too, is equivalent to all the mitzvot.9 Our compassion for the needy and downcast evokes a reciprocal compassion from Heaven, thus hastening the day of the scion of David (Mashiach) and the days of our redemption.10 “Zion shall be redeemed by justice and her repatriates by tzedakah.” (Isaiah 1:27) “Keep justice and do tzedakah, for My salvation is near to come and My tzedakah to be revealed.” (Isaiah 56:1)11

Other mitzvot charged with special efficacy to bring about the redemption are procreation (Genesis 1:28),12 the four species of Sukot (Leviticus 23:40),13 and the sending away of the mother-bird (Deuteronomy 22:6-7).14

B. Unity of Israel

Before Jacob passed away, he addressed all his sons: “Gather together and I shall tell you that which shall occur to you in the end of days. Assemble yourselves and hear…” (Genesis 49:1-2) With these words he warned them against any dissension among themselves.15 He said to them:

“Though it is not known when the Day of Judgment will be, I do tell you that the hour you gather and assemble together you shall be redeemed, as it is said, ‘I will surely gather Jacob, all of you [i.e., when all of you are together]…’ for then immediately ‘their king shall pass before them and G-d at the head of them.’ (Michah 2:12-13).”16

The unity of Israel, all being as one, is the preparation and condition for the ultimate redemption.17

“It is presently ‘dark’ for you, but the Holy One, blessed be He, will in the future illuminate for you as an everlasting light, as it is said, ‘G-d shall be for you an everlasting light’ (Isaiah 60:19). When will that be? When all of you will be a singular band… Israel will be redeemed when they shall be a singular band, as it is said, ‘In those days and in that time, says G-d, the children of Israel shall come, they and the children of Judah together…’ (Jeremiah 50:4); and it is said, ‘In those days, the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together from the land of the north to the land I have given as a legacy to your fathers’ (Jeremiah 3:18). When they are bound together they shall receive the Face of the Shechinah!”18

Internal unity, ahavat Yisrael, peace and harmony, safeguard even against punishment for the worst sin;19 but when “their heart is divided, they shall bear their guilt.” (Hosea 10:2)20

Notwithstanding the idyllic ritual observance in the days of the Second Temple, dissension, gratuitous hatred and divisiveness, caused the destruction of the Bet Hamikdash and the present galut.21 Rectification of this condition will bring about the restoration of the Bet Hamikdash and the Messianic redemption.22

One other principle to hasten and actualize the Messianic redemption, of utmost significance and in fact at the very core of our affirmation of the fundamental doctrine of Mashiach, is the very belief in, and anticipation of, the coming of Mashiach:
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Activity: 350
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August 11, 2014, 08:04:20 AM
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Activity: 378
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August 11, 2014, 07:56:46 AM
One thing I forgot to mention was that Jews follow the complete Tanakh (Hebrew Old Testament), and not just the Torah. I don't know why so many people think that Jews stop reading the Old Testament after they finish the Torah.
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
August 11, 2014, 07:52:17 AM

Jewish Concepts:
The Messiah

Many Jews have long been skeptical of predictions announcing the imminent arrival of the Messiah (Ma*shi*akh). The first century sage Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai once said: "If you should happen to be holding a sapling in your hand when they tell you that the Messiah has arrived, first plant the sapling and then go out and greet the Messiah." An old Jewish story tells of a Russian Jew who was paid a ruble a month by the community council to stand at the outskirts of town so that he could be the first person to greet the Messiah upon his arrival. When a friend said to him, "But the pay is so low," the man replied: "True, but the job is permanent."

Yet, the belief in a messiah and a messianic age is so deeply rooted in Jewish tradition that a statement concerning the Messiah became the most famous of Maimonides's Thirteen Principles of Faith: "And Ma'amin, I believe with a full heart in the coming of the Messiah, and even though he may tarry, I will wait for him on any day that he may come." In the concentration camps, it is reported that many Jews sang the Ani Ma'amin while walking to the gas chambers.

On the one hand, ironic jokes and skepticism; on the other, passionate faith: What then is the Jewish position on the Messiah?

Most significantly, Jewish tradition affirms at least five things about the Messiah. He will: be a descendant of King David, gain sovereignty over the land of Israel, gather the Jews there from the four corners of the earth, restore them to full observance of Torah law, and, as a grand finale, bring peace to the whole world. Concerning the more difficult tasks some prophets assign him, such as Isaiah's vision of a messianic age in which the wolf shall dwell with the lamb and the calf with the young lion (Isaiah 11:6), Maimonides believes that Isaiah's language is metaphorical (for example, only that enemies of the Jews, likened to the wolf, will no longer oppress them). A century later, Nachmanides rejected Maimonides's rationalism and asserted that Isaiah meant precisely what he said: that in the messianic age even wild animals will become domesticated and sweet*tempered. A more recent Jewish "commentator," Woody Allen, has cautioned: "And the lamb and the wolf shall lie down together, but the lamb won't get any sleep."

The Jewish belief that the Messiah's reign lies in the future has long distinguished Jews from their Christian neighbors who believe, of course, that the Messiah came two thousand years ago in the person of Jesus. The most basic reason for the Jewish denial of the messianic claims made on Jesus' behalf is that he did not usher in world peace, as Isaiah had prophesied: "And nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore" (Isaiah 2:4). In addition, Jesus did not help bring about Jewish political sovereignty for the Jews or protection from their enemies.

A century after Jesus, large numbers of Palestinian Jews followed the would*be Messiah, Simon Bar*Kokhba, in a revolt against the Romans. The results were catastrophic, and the Jews suffered a devastating defeat. In 1665*1666, large segments of world Jewry believed that Shabbetai Zvi, a Turkish Jew, was the Messiah, and confidently waited for Turkey's sultan to deliver Palestine to him. Instead, the sultan threatened Shabbetai with execution and the "Messiah" saved his life by converting to Islam.

In the modern world, Reform Judaism has long denied that there will be an individual messiah who will carry out the task of perfecting the world. Instead, the movement speaks of a future world in which human efforts, not a divinely sent messenger, will bring about a utopian age. The Reform idea has influenced many non*Orthodox Jews: The oft*noted attraction of Jews to liberal and left*wing political causes probably represents a secular attempt to usher in a messianic age.

Among traditional Jews, the belief in a personal messiah seems to have grown more central in recent years. When I was growing up in the 1950s and 1960s, the subject of the Messiah was rarely, if ever, mentioned at the Jewish school I attended, the Yeshiva of Flatbush. Today however, one large movement within Orthodoxy, Lubavitch, has placed increasing emphasis on the imminence of the Messiah's arrival. At gatherings of their youth organizations, children chant, "We want Ma-shi*akh now."

At the same time, the subject of the Messiah has become increasingly central to many religious Zionists in Israel, particularly to many disciples of the late Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook. The event that helped set the stage for a revived interest in the Messiah was the Six*Day War of 1967, in which Israel captured the Old City of Jerusalem and, for the first time in over two thousand years, achieved Jewish rule over the biblically ordained borders of Israel.

A sober reading of Jewish history, however, indicates that while the messianic idea has long elevated Jewish life, and prompted Jews to work for tikkun olam (perfection of the world), whenever Jews have thought the Messiah's arrival to be imminent, the results have been catastrophic. In 1984, a Jewish religious underground was arrested in Israel. Among its other activities, the group had plotted to blow up the Muslim Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, so that the Temple Mount could be cleared and the Temple rebuilt. Though such an action might well have provoked an international Islamic jihad (holy war) against Israel, some members of this underground group apparently welcomed such a possibility, feeling that a worldwide invasion of Israel would force God to bring the Messiah immediately. It is precisely when the belief in the Messiah's coming starts to shape political decisions that the messianic idea ceases to be inspiring and becomes dangerous.
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Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
August 11, 2014, 07:35:07 AM
Either the ancient Israelite god Yahweh had a wife called Asherah or he/she was originally a fertility goddess.
the archaeological proof is undeniable

here is more detail on the concept of yahweh (also known as El Shaddai) which is both male and female.

in archaeological evidence though the figurines are almost all female.
sr. member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
August 11, 2014, 07:24:31 AM
There are Ashkenazi Jews who share a similar genetic profile. There are Ethiopian Jews who share a similar genetic profile. And there are Middle Eastern and North African Jews who share a similar genetic profile. But Jews are not really a race but a people and a religion. That is the most important thing about the Jewish people. They are a people and a religion.
I read somewhere that Jews cannot be near the homeless because it could turn them poor, which is against the Jewish religion, nor can they walk under ladders .
I don't know much about that. Sorry.
So he is saying that the prophecy is that the Messiah is coming but will never come? I disagree with him.

According to Jewish belief, when the Messiah comes, he will bring all the Jews back to Israel. Afterwards, he will rebuild the Third Temple. Then G-d will reveal Himself. Afterwards, the people chosen to live on in Olam Haba (The World To Come) will work hard to improve the world they live in and will work hard to get closer and closer to G-d's knowledge. We can never completely know G-d, but we can strive to get closer and closer to His knowledge.
no, he's saying that the messiah is a concept, and not a prophecy that constraints the physical universe (in the future, present, or past), and therefore, any messiah that comes, is not the messiah.

considering he's one of the most important jewish theologians of the last century, i'll stick with him.
hero member
Activity: 798
Merit: 1000
August 11, 2014, 07:17:08 AM
There are Ashkenazi Jews who share a similar genetic profile. There are Ethiopian Jews who share a similar genetic profile. And there are Middle Eastern and North African Jews who share a similar genetic profile. But Jews are not really a race but a people and a religion. That is the most important thing about the Jewish people. They are a people and a religion.
I read somewhere that Jews cannot be near the homeless because it could turn them poor, which is against the Jewish religion, nor can they walk under ladders .
I don't know much about that. Sorry.

don't forget the Arab Jews, Arab Christians and Arab Muslims who all share an even closer genetic profile.
nobody can tell me that Ashkenazi and Ethiopian Jews are more closely related than any 3 people from any religion or culture born in the Levant.

the most important thing about middle eastern people is that blood is thicker than politics or religion...
well it would be if they would just open their eyes...
sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
August 11, 2014, 07:13:30 AM
There are Ashkenazi Jews who share a similar genetic profile. There are Ethiopian Jews who share a similar genetic profile. And there are Middle Eastern and North African Jews who share a similar genetic profile. But Jews are not really a race but a people and a religion. That is the most important thing about the Jewish people. They are a people and a religion.
I read somewhere that Jews cannot be near the homeless because it could turn them poor, which is against the Jewish religion, nor can they walk under ladders .
I don't know much about that. Sorry.
So he is saying that the prophecy is that the Messiah is coming but will never come? I disagree with him.

According to Jewish belief, when the Messiah comes, he will bring all the Jews back to Israel. Afterwards, he will rebuild the Third Temple. Then G-d will reveal Himself. Afterwards, the people chosen to live on in Olam Haba (The World To Come) will work hard to improve the world they live in and will work hard to get closer and closer to G-d's knowledge. We can never completely know G-d, but we can strive to get closer and closer to His knowledge.
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August 11, 2014, 07:08:26 AM
What about cheapness? Are Jews more or less generous than Christians?
Christians 100% more with their time. Money is anyone's guess buy I have seen plenty of both ,I am christian but my father is Jewish. As is my wife and her family.

its more of a quirk of historical circumstance.
people who do not have land will naturally put more emphasis on protecting their financial and intellectual assets.
people who have land will put more emphasis on protecting the land itself.

if you own lots of land you can grow lots of produce and so you have an abundance to share.
if you don't own any land you would tend to hoard your money and save it for a rainy day in case you needed it for an emergency.

I don't think that has anything to do with religious doctrine.. just more to do with how things played out in history.
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