Seems to me there's already enough information here to connect you personally to this forum nick.
There's zero doubt you contracted to sell ASICMiner shares to various forum members in exchange for bitcoins.
I dunno. I mean, you have some copy and pasted proof. Some screenshots that could have easily been doctored. This all sounds sketch to me.
Proving the transfer of bitcoins to the address you gave is the easy bit.
This isn't rocket science. The IP logs of this forum would have to undergo subpoena to prove that a given IP address sent a PM to anyone with any particular bitcoin address. Then it has to be proven that the bitcoin address was used by me (me as a person, not as an anonymous entity). Before all of this, my ISP gets hit with a subpoena so my ISP account information is released. I can promise you that the information gained from that subpoena has nothing to do with me.
Like it or not, this is no different to e.g. an ebay transaction.
An eBay transaction has established precedences for security, payment, etc. This is not the case here.
A small claims court, when faced with the above, would grant summary judgment unless you could prove it didn't happen
I'm going to take a step back and admit this is a possibility. Given as a small claims court judgement is based on the personal purview of an arbiter, anything could happen.
I doubt you'd even turn up to defend yourself.
You're not far off about this. It isn't worth my time or expense.
Debt collectors exist to collect on judgments such as these.
And fail, hence being a joke.
That's quite literally what they do.
And fail, hence being a joke.
Nobody is being a badass talking about debt collectors
When you put them in the same line of reasoning as a theft report to the police, it seems that way. Debt collectors are annoying. I get more blood pressure flux just responding to this thread.
it's just the next step should judgment be given (and particularly useful where the respondent refuses to pay).
I agree. I might have been snappy with that portion of my response.
As for reporting this to the police, my bad, "theft" was a poor choice of words. This is fraud.
Prove it in court. End.
Sure you are.
See, now if I prove this, I both set myself up for possible incrimination and harassment. I'll actually show some self-control (for a change) and let this one go.