Report it as a theft to the police. File in the small claims court for the correct USD amount and then have a debt collector collect the debt. Maybe you only get a third back after fees and whatnot but you'll feel so much better for doing it.
One day a scammer will fall and maybe we'll get less douchebags around here. Let's make Kruniac the first.
Yeah, do that. Report intangible items as a theft.
THEN I want to see someone prove that I've ever had a wallet, and/or made transactions with that wallet.
THEN I want to see someone prove that I (me, myself, and I) have ever sent a message on IRC. Not anyone else in the house - me.
I could go down this road forever. You're weak. You have nothing on me. Cry foul - your voice echos in the dark.
This little hyper jackass just skipped over the entire legal process.
Reporting any action to the police is moot without sufficient evidence for the police to pursue that matter. You can do it, and at best you'll establish the tracings of a "pattern". That's all you'll get there.
File in small claims court? Fine. I'll destroy you. I want you to prove transfer of an intangible good to an anonymous wallet. Please. PLEASE.
You jumped right to "debt collector" like you're a badass. You're nothing. A debt collector could only get involved if a judgement were made in favor of the "victim". Even then, debt collection agencies tend to be annoying at worst.
Keep hanging on to your unicorn fairy-tale dreams. I cannot believe you're even a grown man with that attitude.
He has no recovery plans, you ignorant bastard. The guy PMed me, and I referred him here. He then said "a Scammer.... i wan't believe it.... ;(" <---- This about broke me. Believe it, don't believe it, that's not my concern. This is a sad, sad PM to get. =/
If Menig wants to convince BigBitz to include him in the Robin Hood fund, fine. If someone else gives him charity, fine. If not, and providing that I'm not needing the money for bills, I'll send him BTC. That's all there is to this post. This isn't about what has happened, but what happens.
I can't believe that people can be this negative, and this is coming from someone with a minimal conscience.