Because if they deliver let say 1hr from now you might miss a large amount of profit... but again it looks like it serious so yes its a pure gamble to hold at this point... Since they haven't deliver anything
That's true, but that seems pretty unlikely at this point, don't you think? They've had however many hours to pull through - and they haven't done so yet.
Obviously people can hold out hope but there isn't really any reason to do so - and they're not
giving us any reason, because they're failing to communicate.
No reason to think they're competent in getting this done in such a short time frame (lots of people have failed, look at BFL, Avalon took months, etc) and no reason to think they'll be honest about what's going on in the future.
Plus remember
there is a very short window of profitability for Labcoin here.
You can already order 28nm miners from Cointerra and for less then $3/Gh/s. Labcoin originally claimed $2/Gh/s and that was when their chips were 4Ghs/s not 1.8. So if they fix all their technical issues in the next few months, but by then their window of profitability will be
gone. The shares might yeild, like, 0.0004 BTC or something in dividends over the next couple years.
And actually, if you think about it LC is acting a lot like Walter White. Full of hubris, wanting to take care of everything on their own without telling anyone anything, hoping that they can just 'fix' everything without anyone ever knowing anything was wrong. Telling people just to trust them without any proof. Meanwhile they keep screwing up and the people who trust them (i.e. the shareholders in this case) just end up getting fucked.