The figure of a leader is very important for the economic growth of a region because the rules he makes will boost the rate of economic growth when it occurs effectively. investors will also feel comfortable with the right leader because their trust in their funds is well maintained, now there are many examples of countries experiencing good economic growth because they chose the right leader
what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?
I so much believe in right leadership as a panacea to the sustainable development growth of a a family, a community, a society and a country at large. Good Leadership brings about the creation of policies and when there are great policies put in place in a family or in a community level, it grows to become a sustainable development growth and economic stability of that particular environment.
Why I kept on mentioning family is because leadership begin from home like charity would begin from home, as well. So, having a right leader starts from having the right person to be the family head and when there is a great family coordination, the economy of that family bolsters which also replicates to the community,state and the entire country.
This is why whenever we talk about selecting or electing a leader to lead the country, the first thing I do as a criteria check is to make sure that I look at the leadership style of that leader at his family level.
What are his knowledge about the financial management and how is he able to manage the finances of his own family, the expenditures and profits of his businesses and whether he's doing well as a business person or even managing is businesses in the right direction, are the Criterion that I use to judge whether we are going to have a good leader who drive a positive economy or not.
So, for someone like me, having a right leader is equivalent to having the a great economy in a country therefore it is imperative for us to know those who lead us and what are their knowledge on the economy and financial discipline.