I wasn't aware that I was banned from your service, not that I would ever use it of course. am I also banned from being a NastyFan? as I already own a few seats, but this isnt really the place to discuss that.
I don't run NastyFans.
now I respect the security measures you have taken above, what happens if one of the 3 above mentioned people were in the car with you and a fatal accident were to happen? what happens if there was a gas leak that cause a catastrophic fire at the location of the lockbox or safe and you and one of the 3 above mentioned people were to suffer a horrific accident at the same time?
The same thing that would happen if 2 of 3 multisig signers were in a horrific accident at the same time...
I know previously you mentioned a child of sub 10 years old being part of your backup security methods, personally I think that is irresponsible as hell... but thats me.
No person under the age of 35 is involved in my security methods.
what is it with your reluctance to move to multisig? for someone who got into Bitcoin so early I am stunned that you are turning away from technological advantages that would push you forward as the greatest escrow on the forum.. or whatever your words were.
Users of my escrow want trusted, simple and fast. They want defined rules and they want me to stick to them. They don't want multisig.
I wouldn't say I'm "turning away from technological advantages" when I've actually done free giveaways in the past to encourage users to learn how to spend coins from multisig addresses.