Let's Play Pretend II
Let's Play Pretend
Pretend you have 72.9794461538 BTC invested in StakeMiners Ponzi because you're an astute Investard. At the current .52%/week dividend payout by StakeMiners Ponzi, how much bitcoins would you earn in a week?
Let's do the maths, eh?
Now, before we do the maths, we MUSH convert the .52% into an integer. Google integer if you're not up to speed. The conversion equals .0052. Did I say integer? I meant something else, whatever it's called, but suffice to say it's now a number and NOT a percentage.
Multiply .0052 X 72.9794461538 and that's what you would earn per week. The answer is 0.37949312 BTC.
Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that you, I or anybody else would be crazy to give Leroy "Froot Loops Liar" Fodor a single satoshi let alone 72.9794461538 BTC, and you are 100% correct, hence we're playin' PRETEND.
https://blockchain.info/tx-index/944f9e0ed06387c8e99a740b5b8970966cd795ba5401220d620dff53cdd05c19You, I or anybody else stand corrected. Mr. 72.9794461538 BTC Investard is most likely proud as a peacock knowing that his investment constitutes 2.354175682 times more than what Leroy claims StakeMiners Ponzi has in total holdings - namely, 31 BTC.
Question: How long would it take you to withdraw your 72.9794461538 BTC if you were the ONLY Investard requesting such given that ALL the other Investards are more astuter than you opting to remain on board Leroy Fodor's "business" formally known as StakeMiners Ponzi is NOT licensed in any nation-state on the planet?
Answer: At the max 0.35 BTC per week, you simply put the smaller number into the bigger number like so 72.9794461538/0.35 to get your answer followed by the equal sign thingy (=): 208.512703297 weeks or 208.512703297/52 = 4 years + 1 week.
BTW, you won't get your entire pretend 72.9794461538 BTC back because of StakeMiners Ponzi pesky 2% withdrawal fee.
HAHAHAPretend you have 71.9029365385 BTC invested in StakeMiners Ponzi because you're an astute Investard. At the current .52%/week dividend payout by StakeMiners Ponzi, how much bitcoins would you earn in a week?
Let's do the maths, eh?
Now, before we do the maths, we MUSH convert the .52% into an integer. Google integer if you're not up to speed. The conversion equals .0052. Did I say integer? I meant something else, whatever it's called, but suffice to say it's now a number and NOT a percentage.
Multiply .0052 X 71.9029365385 and that's what you would earn per week. The answer is 0.37389527 BTC.
Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that you, I or anybody else would be crazy to give Leroy "Froot Loops Liar" Fodor a single satoshi let alone 71.9029365385 BTC, and you are 100% correct, hence we're playin' PRETEND.
https://blockchain.info/tx/b98666baa1dcb61e7ff96486723b98ab292b2dc9b161c0f87ec8fc6eb16446c2You, I or anybody else stand corrected. Mr. 71.9029365385 BTC Investard is most likely proud as a peacock knowing that his investment constitutes 2.319449566 times more than what Leroy claims StakeMiners Ponzi has in total holdings - namely, 31 BTC.
Question: How long would it take you to withdraw your 71.9029365385 BTC if you were the ONLY Investard requesting such given that ALL the other Investards are more astuter than you opting to remain on board Leroy Fodor's "business" formally known as StakeMiners Ponzi is NOT licensed in any nation-state on the planet?
Answer: At the max 0.35 BTC per week, you simply put the smaller number into the bigger number like so 71.9029365385/0.35 to get your answer followed by the equal sign thingy (=): 205.436961539 weeks or 205.436961539/52 = 3.95 years.
BTW, you won't get your entire pretend 71.9029365385 BTC back because of StakeMiners Ponzi pesky 2% withdrawal fee.
HAHAHANow that all the had maths is outta the way, let's do simple plussing (or whatever it's called): 72.9794461538 + 71.9029365385 = 144.882382692. That equates to 19.882382692 BTC or 24.882382692 BTC (again, depending what day it is) more than what Leroy Fodor claims that his StakeMiners Ponzi "business" currently has in holdings (31 BTC) by these two Investards alone, not counting the other ~178 Investards invested in the noble endeavor.
This weeks payout was 0.79506471 BTC: https://blockchain.info/tx-index/944f9e0ed06387c8e99a740b5b8970966cd795ba5401220d620dff53cdd05c19 That equates to StakeMiners Ponzi supposedly having 152.897059615 BTC invested in it (0.79506471/.0052 = 152.897059615). A total impossibility even if the most retarded person from Biblical times did the maths from his grave.