and yes i say fan girls because the stereotype fits.
girls are more stereotypical followers of influencers. much more then women, men or boys.
(fangirls are even more 'influencer<->drone' follower stereotypical than a herd of cows)
if you cant tell the difference between a girl and a woman.. thats on you.
disliking the trend following social script repeating stereotypes of girls that are a fan of something. has nothing at all to do with hating woman.
try to learn the difference
OK. That's about enough of that. I am fine with discussing what is negative about lightning. Really. But this asshole just rants and rants... but that last bit? I think he might be a little off in the old think-bone.
I do not have all that many ignores on this site. But I just added one new one. I take some pride of being tolerant of all kinds of folks. But that level of nonsense? Don't have time for it.
Now... On to my topic of node recovery, which I appreciate you all listening to, and honestly I hope that MAYBE it would be useful to someone else. I CERTAINLY would be a decent resource at this point for helping someone go through this ordeal with either LND or CL! If someone is reading this and needs help, ping me.
CL node:
The CL node is back up, and running. As if nothing happend, I think. It is only missing 3 channels . Well two really since the third is my LND node. Lol. That channel will not be coming back up. The other two are "benthecarman" and "Rath [keysend]". The latter is a forum member and posts in this thread. Is your node just down? The first one? I dunno. Anyone else have an active channel with him?
OK here is the freaky part of the whole thing. I ran through all the restoration process, including decrypting/restoring the backup database. When the node came back up about half the channels were connecting, but the other half were not. Something seemed wrong. When I went to look at the info for the node IT HAD THE WRONG PUBKEY! Umm... huh? so I recreated the hsm_secret from the seed words (I had used one in a "rescue backup" originally). After bouncing lightningd not only did I have the RIGHT pubkey, but most of the other channels connected right away.
This seems very lucky to me. And I do not entirely understand what happened there. I think it's safe to assume the pubkey in my backup file was the wrong one. Totally possible. I was worried about this when I was restoring. I think I went through the setup for the node a couple times, and I bet that as the first time.
But how did the channel backup get restored? I guess that the assumption that the hsm_secret has something to do with decrypting that is not the case?
And HOW ON EARTH did some of my channels come back up?!??!? That part seems crazy. And I feel lucky not to have set off alarms on my channel partners node. The whole investigation was prompted by the fact that half my partner nodes were REFUSING connection.
LND node
This node is in the process of rescanning the blockchain.
Seems it is a slow process. I see transactions up to 3/20 so as far as the LND node is concerned COVID has barely started. No channels are connected, and that is as expected. I am assuming that after the blockchain is scanned all the way through the channel closing procedure will continue. I am hopeful I will get all my bitcoin back. This is a place where the low power SBC is a disadvantage... I think it has plenty of ability to keep up with the blockchain in real time. But rescanning this is going VERY slowly.
To be honest... both of these systems are more foolproof than I had thought. I am definitely the fool here. I mean it was nice from frankie to try to shift the blame over the lightning, but nah. There are two things at fault here. A shitty SDD failure, and my lack of good preparation. I am not being self effacing. I am a wizard of hackery, and I have done things that most folks would be screwed trying to do... like figuring out the CL pubkey was wrong and fixing it manually. BUT my lack of being serious about preparing the right backup strategies for the node was an abomination. And kudos to each implementation AND Raspiblitz.
I will be making a donation to the Raspiblitz project. For sure.
Anyway, thanks, all for the audience. I will quiet down about this now.