Litecoin and bitcoin are two major cryptocurrencies finding stable place in financial world with strong reputation. Litecoin mostly depends on bitcoin for it's own growth. Whereas bitcoin is the leader.
yep sitting on 2500 ltc yet from mining ..hoping the btc devs will have a nerd slap fest and get some kinda plan together a result btc pops and ltc pops more in $$$ vs btc etc
would feel silly if suddenly LTC got some kind of increased credibility with coindesk or the above or something and creeped back up to 15 to 20 bucks as an alternative to say a
future btc price of 400 to 500 bucks (yeah odds are long) but since halving the ltc ratio of 0.01250 is more or less stable to btc so I can wait (and hope)
of course like all my plans with crypto i can on a 'whim' run away screaming like 9yr old girl who saw a rat.......we also serve crypto who panic and waiver (just saying)
ie of course this is me ..not interested in the price of LTC or BTC per say just looking at how much or how well a ratio I can get xfering the LTC to BTC so thus the ratio
above...for those who are trying to 'trade' this on the ups/downs etc well you are braver then myself ...
(good to have goals)
I am into the 'sideways' plan how much btc
can i eventually get for the LTC I mined and continue after halving modestly to do so when to pull the trigger and how much LTC to keep vs dump if when that scenario comes to pass
then miners are doorstops and I can just sit around on my btc hoard (and maybe small ltc hoard) and brood about price etc like the grumpy old man I am